Fluid inclusions in late minerals from the paleovalley-type …

The mineralogical and geochemical features of newly formed late minerals and uranium ores were considered as the most probable reflection of the exfiltration of such thermal solutions into the host levels. ... "Infiltration deposits in the Mesozoic riverine paleovalleys of West Siberia," in Mineral Resources (RITs VIMS, Moscow, 2002), pp ...

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | In-Situ Crystallization and …

Layers rich in chromian spinel (Cr-spinel) occur in numerous differentiated and layered intrusions. These layers are often characterized by elevated and even economic concentrations of platinum-group-elements (PGEs), but only scarce sulfide mineralization. One particular type of such lithology occurs in the roof parts of the Norilsk …

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Fractional crystallization-induced variations in sulfides …

Magmatic sulfide ores from the western and eastern intrusions of the world's third-largest Jinchuan Ni–Cu deposit are separated into disseminated, net-textured, and massive sulfides, or Fe-rich, transitional, Cu-rich ores. However, the composition of base metal sulfide (BMS) minerals from each intrusion and ore type still lacks investigation.

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The first identification of cronstedtite in Cu–Ni–PGE ores of …

Despite decades of mineralogical study of the massive sulfide Noril'sk ores, the structural identity and diversity of clay and other secondary minerals in these rocks is only partially resolved ...

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Layered Nb-REE ores in the Tomtor Complex (Arctic …

(Yakutia). The formation conditions of the rich Tomtor ores remain poorly constrained. Our hypothesis is that these ores, composed of detrital and authigenic minerals, were deposited in a hydrothermal

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Russia: Mining, Minerals and Fuel Resources

Russia's vast industrial mineral reserves include phosphate rock, diamonds, and gemstones. In fact, apatite ore is a vital source of raw phosphate material in Russia. To date, 90% of Russia's apatite reserves can be found in the Khibiny apatite-nepheline ores, and another 6% of reserves can be found in the Kovdor ores.

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A proton microprobe study of magmatic sulfide ores from …

Proton and electron microprobes have been used to analyze all major coexisting Cu-Fe-Ni sulfide minerals in a suite of 22 ore samples from the rich Cu-Ni-platinum-group-element deposits of the Noril'sk-Talnakh district, Russia. -S-imultaneous analyses were obtained with the proton microprobe for 30 elements, ranging in atomic number from 26Fe to …

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Main minerals of abnormally high-grade ores of the Tomtor …

The highest-grade ores are natural Nb and REE concentrates. The total REE content in some layers is > 10%. The morphologic features of the highest-grade phosphate ores from the northern part of the Burannyi site were studied. The ore-forming minerals belong to the pyrochlore group, crandallite group (goyazite), and monazite-Ce.

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Re-Os Systematics in the Layered …

Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research applications.

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Formation of Intergrowths of

On the Siberian platform, intergrowths of palladium gold and Au-Cu-Pd minerals with Fe-Pt alloys and other PGMs were described in the composition of Cu-Ni sulfide ores of the Norilsk region [39,42,46,47] and in minerals from the platinum-bearing placer of the alkaline ultramafic Kondyor massif [38,41,53,54].

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A proton microprobe study of magmatic sulfide ores from …

A proton microprobe study of magmatic sulfide ores from the Noril'sk-Talnakh District, Siberia Gerald K. Czamanske; Gerald K. Czamanske U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, United States ... Platinum-group mineral assemblages in the Platreef at the Sandsloot Mine, northern Bushveld Complex, South Africa ...

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The PGE-Cu-Ni Norilsk Deposits and Siberian Traps: Genetic

The main ore minerals in both disseminated and massive ores are (in %): chalcopyrite tetragonal CuFeS 2 (75–85), pentlandite (Ni, Fe, Co) 9 S 8 (10–25), …

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Fractional crystallization-induced variations in sulfides from …

In this study, new petrographic (2D and 3D) and whole-rock geochemical data from Cu-poor to Cu-rich sulfide ores of the Noril'sk-Talnakh mining district are integrated with published data to consider the role of fractional crystallization in generating mineralogical and geochemical variations across the different ore types (disseminated to ...

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The Influence of the Mineral Composition of Low-Grade Aluminum Ores …

As part of the hydrochloric acid technology elaboration for processing of non-Bayer raw materials to alumina the conditions of acid leaching of Siberian non-bauxite aluminous ores were studied. Based on the minerals’ structure the mechanism of aluminum...

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Siberia: will the once-frozen wilderness give up its riches?

"The Siberian region is rich in minerals including coal, gold, diamond and iron ore," says Globaldata analyst Alok Shukla. "Coal is largely extracted from …

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Distribution of indium in ores of some base metal and …

The study of base-metal massive sulfide and tin–sulfide deposits in Siberia and the Russian Far East has revealed that the indium content in ores exceeding the average statistical value at similar deposits worldwide could be economically important. Sphalerite and chalcopyrite and chalcopyrite, bornite, and sphalerite are the major …

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Ore Minerals | Formation, Genesis, Occurrence

High-grade ores contain a relatively high percentage of valuable elements or minerals, while low-grade ores have lower concentrations. Ore grade is an important factor in determining the economic viability of mining and processing operations, as higher-grade ores are typically more economically attractive for extraction.

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Main minerals of abnormally high-grade ores of the Tomtor …

DOI: 10.1016/J.RGG.2015.05.003 Corpus ID: 127494306; Main minerals of abnormally high-grade ores of the Tomtor deposit (Arctic Siberia) @article{Lazareva2015MainMO, title={Main minerals of abnormally high-grade ores of the Tomtor deposit (Arctic Siberia)}, author={E. V. Lazareva and Sergey M. Zhmodik and Nikolay L. Dobretsov and …

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Platinum Metals Magmatic Sulfide Ores | Science

Platinum-group elements (PGE) are mined predominantly from deposits that have formed by the segregation of molten iron-nickel-copper sulfides from silicate magmas. The absolute concentrations of PGE in sulfides from different deposits vary over a ...

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Huge reserves of iron in Western Siberia migh | EurekAlert!

The world's largest deposit of iron ore is the Bakchar deposit located in Western Siberia, Russia. Its proven reserves are over 28 billion tons. Scientists search …

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The PGE-Cu-Ni Norilsk Deposits and Siberian Traps: Genetic

The Siberian traps province is the largest continental province on Earth. It is located in Eastern Siberia, covering the Middle Siberian Plateau and the Taimyr Peninsula (Fig. 4).The province consists of volcanic, plutonic, and pyroclastic rocks, with the ratios between them varying significantly in their different parts [26,27,28,29,30,31].It is zoned, …

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Newly Discovered Minerals Reveal Anomalous …

Like a tiny needle in a sprawling hayfield, a single crystal grain just tens of microns in size—found in a borehole sample drilled in …

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Zinc (Zn) Ore | Properties, Formation, Minerals, …

Zinc Ore Minerals. Zinc ores are typically found in nature as various minerals. Some common zinc ore minerals include: Sphalerite: Sphalerite (ZnS) is the most important and commonly occurring zinc ore …

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The Gorevskoe Pb–Zn Deposit (Siberia, Russia): Mineral

Abstract The genetic diversity of the structure and mineral composition of the ores of the Gorevskoe Pb–Zn deposit and the main signs of synchronous ore deposition from near-bottom ore-bearing solutions associated with sedimentation processes in a sedimentary basin were established. The structural and textural features and mineral …

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Composition and Ligand

The Möss spectroscopy method was used to study the ligand microstructure of natural arsenopyrite (31 specimens) from the ores of the major gold deposits of the Yenisei Ridge (Eastern Siberia, Russia). Arsenopyrite and native gold are paragenetic minerals in the ore; meanwhile, arsenopyrite is frequently a gold carrier. …

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Ores And Minerals

Minerals Ores; All the naturally occurring substances that are present in the earth's crust are known as Minerals. Ores are usually used to extract metals economically. A large number of ores are present. All Minerals are not ores. All ores are minerals. Minerals are native forms in which metals exist. Ores are mineral deposits.

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Mines and Mineral Resources

Colored map. Scale 1:4,200,000. Filed under Russia in Asia -- Mines and Minerals -- 1903 -- 1:4,200,000 -- Editors of the Mine Industry in Russia periodical. Early twentieth century map depicting mineral and smelting industries, as well as useful mineral deposits, in Siberia, published by the editors of the periodical "Mine Industry in Russia."

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Main minerals of abnormally high-grade ores of the Tomtor …

The mineralogical data, the occurrence of biomorphic aggregates, and the close association of organic remains with ore minerals suggest that the high-grade …

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The unique Katugin rare-metal deposit (southern Siberia): …

The results of detailed mineralogical studies suggest three major types of ores in the Katugin deposit: Zr mineralization, Ta-Nb-REE mineralization and …

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Gold in the Oxidized Ores of the Olympiada Deposit …

Minerals 2021, 11, 190 5 of 21 447.2 g/t. The geochemical spectrum of the Olympiada oxidized ores was characterized by a close correlation of Au with W, Sb, Hg, less often with Ag and Pb, but not ...

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Asia - Mineral Resources, Oil, Gas: Asia has enormous reserves of coal, amounting to nearly three-fifths of the world's total, but they are unevenly distributed. The largest reserves are found in Siberia, the Central Asian republics, India, and especially China; Indonesia, Japan, and North Korea have smaller but nevertheless economically …

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The Tomtor alkaline ultrabasic massif and related REE-Nb …

Nb-REE ore deposits related to weathered carbonatite within the Tomtor massif, northern Siberia, contain the world9s largest carbonatite-related concentrations of Nb and REE. Despite its remote location, economic exploitation of the deposit was made possible by the discovery of rich Sc-REE-Y-Nb ore, The 300-km 2 Tomtor massif is a …

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World-Class Mineral Deposits of Northeastern Transbaikalia, Siberia

She defended a PhD thesis entitled "Geology and origin of Cu ores of the Chiney Massif" in 1989, and Doctor thesis "Evolution of trap magmatism and Cu-Ni-PGE deposits of the Noril'sk area" in 2012. She was awarded by the Special Price of Russian Academy of Sciences for her study of ore deposits of Eastern Siberia in 2015 .

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Processing mineral raw materials in Siberia: ores of …

Problems related to the processing of mineral raw materials from Siberia (i.e. molybdenum-, tungsten-, lead- and gold-containing ores and concentrates) are reviewed. ... Standard cyanide dissolution is used for recovery of gold from oxidized Siberian gold ores (Migachev, 1997, Lodeyshchikov, 1999, Bonevolskiy, 2002), but pre-oxidation is ...

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