An effective hybrid model for opinion mining and sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis and opinion mining is a task to analyze people's opinions or sentiments from textual data, which is very useful for the analysis of many NLP applications. The difficulty of this task is that there are a variety of sentiments inside documents, and these sentiments have variety expressions. Hence, it is hard to extract all sentiments using a …

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5 Ways to Make Mining More Sustainable

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Understanding the impacts of mining on local environments …

Mining for clean energy materials can threaten water sources, pollute environments, and displace populations in Chile and other regions. Learn how MIT …

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South Africa economic outlook | Deloitte Insights

In his State of the Nation Address at the beginning of the year, South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa identified the cost-of-living crisis as one of the country's top four challenges for 2023. 1 Given that consumption is a key component of the country's overall expenditure (accounting for about two-thirds of GDP in the first quarter …

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Video showcase (Effective 2.1 + in depth cascade system explanation) Gallery. Current features: Water effects: Splashes, droplets and ripples when entities fall in water; Waterfall clouds Appears when water flows into two block deep water source blocks / a water source above a wool block (to make it silent)

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Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the …

A systematic map protocol to synthesise evidence of the environmental and social impacts of metal mining and the effectiveness of mitigation measures in the …

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4 ways to make economic growth sustainable, resilient and …

In doing so, the proof of concept responds to demands from stakeholders to create "mine-to-market" visibility and accountability. ... Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2022; Global Risks Report 2022; Increasing Climate Ambition: Analysis of an International Carbon Price Floor; 4) Finance and international cooperation for economic …

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Mineral-Rich Developing Countries Can Drive a …

The energy transition will boost demand for minerals and metals, requiring $1.7 trillion in global mining investment. Learn how developing countries can attract investment, decarbonize production, …

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An effective parallel approach for genetic-fuzzy data mining

In Fig. 2, there are p + 1 processors composed of one master and p slaves. Each processor has an identical transaction database for mining. Since the fitness evaluation process is the most time-consuming part in the entire genetic-fuzzy mining process, it is thus processed in parallel by the slave processors.

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The Economics of Kidnapping in Developing Countries

Mining companies; Oil wells; Infrastructure projects such as pipelines; Adventurous tourists; Reporters; Aid workers; Leveraging local power-brokers. The answer is that usually there are local power-brokers who could provide protection. Examples are traditional chieftains, councils of elders, Islamist militias, warlords, rebel movements ...

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A new effective and efficient measure for outlying aspect mining

Outlying Aspect Mining (OAM) aims to find the subspaces (a.k.a. aspects) in which a given query is an outlier with respect to a given dataset. Existing OAM algorithms use traditional distance/density-based outlier scores to rank subspaces. Because these distance/density-based scores depend on the dimensionality of subspaces, they cannot …

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Mining Effective Negative Training Samples for Keyword …

Max-pooling neural network architectures have been proven to be useful for keyword spotting (KWS), but standard training methods suffer from a class-imbalance problem when using all frames from negative utterances. To address the problem, we propose an innovative algorithm, Regional Hard-Example (RHE) mining, to find effective negative …

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A guide to leading practice sustainable development in …

The handbooks provide practical guidance on environmental, economic and social aspects through all phases of mineral extraction, from exploration to mine construction, operation …

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How effective resource taxation could be key to the

There are two burgeoning areas in the world of mining that present challenges and opportunities for effective resource taxation, and may prompt a rethink of how minerals are taxed. The first is the growing digitisation of mines, with companies increasingly investing in smart technologies for mine sites to reduce costs and improve …

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Estimating carbon dioxide emissions from coal mines

Formula. The CO 2 emissions for a coal mine can be calculated with the following formula: . Annual CO 2 (in million tonnes) = Yearly production * (1- Yearly exclusion factor)* Coal type conversion factor * Effective CO 2 emissions factor . Example for a typical, non-coking bituminous coal mine: Production: 5 Million tonnes per annum; …

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Best Bitcoin Mining Rigs in September 2024

Top Bitcoin Mining Rigs Reviewed. We compared specs and features for the best Bitcoin mining hardware to see which ones came out on top. Profitability varied from less than a dollar per day to more than $15 daily based on an average electricity cost ($0.11 per KWh), current mining difficulty, and the current Bitcoin price (about $72,000 …

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How to mine Bitcoin: A beginner's guide to mine BTC

Bitcoin mining is the process of creating valid blocks that add transaction records to Bitcoin's (BTC) public ledger, which is called a blockchain.

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The 7 Best Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware for …

Bitcoin hash rate December 2022-2024: TradingView 5. WhatsMiner M30S++ WhatsMiner M30S++: Whatsminer Power draw: 3.472 kW Hash rate power: 112 TH/s Price tag: $9,900 – $14,000 Another …

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FBANet: An Effective Data Mining Method for Food …

At present, the sensory evaluation of food mostly depends on artificial sensory evaluation and machine perception, but artificial sensory evaluation is greatly interfered with by subjective factors, and machine perception is difficult to reflect human feelings. In this article, a frequency band attention network (FBANet) for olfactory …

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How to Advance Sustainable Mining | International Institute …

Finally, in 2012, at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), the outcome document, The Future We Want, recognized in paragraph 228 the "importance of strong and effective legal and regulatory frameworks, policies and practices for the mining sector that deliver economic and social benefits and include effective …

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The social and environmental complexities of extracting …

Jurisdictions extracting energy transition metals in low-risk contexts are positioned to develop and maintain safeguards against mining-related social and …

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The effective equipment utilisation depends on maximising the effective operational working hours of the mining equipment. The following KPI's are measured and reported to manage effective equipment utilisation: •Equipment Availability – This is the mechanical up-time of the equipment, and is measured as a percentage of available shift hours,

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Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in …

2. The many ways mining activities impact biodiversity. Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect processes (via industries supporting mining operations, and external stakeholders who gain access to biodiversity-rich areas as the result of …

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How to start mining cryptocurrency: A beginner's guide

The use of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) is the most popular and effective method of mining Bitcoin. These are specialist devices created just for mining Bitcoin.

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The stages of mining: 5 lifecycle processes explained

What mining techniques are used by geologists? Geological surface mapping and sampling A Geologist will record all geological information from the rocks that outcrop at the surface and will look for boundaries between different rock types and structures, look for fault-lines and evidence of the rocks undergoing deformation.

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How To Mine Cryptocurrency: A Step-by-Step Guide

Crypto mining: The future of finance. Cryptocurrency mining validates transactions and adds new blocks to a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain network, such as Bitcoin.Miners carry out this …

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Sustainable and responsible development of minerals

The report analyses the environmental and social impacts of mineral production and the role of critical minerals in enabling clean energy technologies. It highlights the …

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A rapid and cost effective protocol for plant genomic DNA …

Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2017, 16(8): 1682â€"1688 RESEARCH ARTICLE Available online at ScienceDirect A rapid and cost effective protocol for plant genomic DNA isolation using regenerated silica columns in combination with CTAB extraction FU Ze-yu1, SONG Jian-cheng1, 2, Paula E. …

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7 Reasons Bitcoin Mining is Profitable and Worth It (2024)

Mining is the backbone of all proof-of-work blockchains and can be described with three key concepts: MORE: Bitcoin mining profit calculator Bitcoin Block Reward. Miners are rewarded with 6.25 bitcoins. This number will reduce to 3.125 bitcoins after the halving in 2024.The reward (plus transaction fees) are paid to the miner who …

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An effective strategy for exploring unknown metabolic …

An effective strategy for exploring unknown metabolic pathways by genome mining J Am Chem Soc. 2013 Apr 17;135(15) :5885-94. ... Here, we describe a genome mining strategy for exploring such unknown pathways and demonstrate this approach for triterpenoids by functionally characterizing three cytochrome P450s from Arabidopsis …

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Mining in Africa 2024: Strategies to address persistent …

Mining in Africa| The African mining industry has made a significant contribution to the global economy, with metals and minerals playing a crucial role in the production of a wide range of products and services. ... Successfully navigating these issues requires a combination of effective management, strategic planning, stakeholder engagement ...

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Customized Spectral Libraries for Effective Mineral Exploration: Mining

Infrared (Visible-Near Infrared-Shortwave Infrared (VNIR-SWIR)) spectroscopy is a cost-effective technique for mineral identification in the field. Modern hand-held spectrometers are equipped with on-board spectral libraries that enable rapid, qualitative analysis of most minerals and facilitate recognition of key alteration minerals …

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Zimbabwe Mining development company (ZMDC) 7 1 14 Permanent Secretaries in the Ministries 20 8 12 Health Service Board 6 3 50 Source Padare, 2020 The table above shows that at all levels of decision-making women are far from achieving gender equality as stipulated in Section 17 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. The glaring under

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How to Process Data Cost-Effectively with Data Mining

The final step to cost-effective data processing is to evaluate and refine your data mining models. Data mining models are the algorithms or techniques that you use to discover patterns, trends ...

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9 Best Bitcoin Mining Rigs for September 2024

5. Halong Mining DragonMint T1 – Cost-Effective Bitcoin Mining Rig That Supports Other SHA-256 Algorithm Coins . If you're looking for a slightly cheaper option, Halong Mining DragonMint T1 could be the best Bitcoin mining machine for you. Although prices vary depending on the retailer, we found the rig averages $1,300.

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Sustainable mining and the role of environmental …

Sustainable mining seeks to align mineral extraction with environmental stewardship by emphasizing responsible resource management, reclamation of mined …

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(45.9%), mining, and wildlife tourism (19.1% forestry). Botswana's large mammals are on a significant decline due to limited availability of freshwater, various land use change and other human-induced activities. Botswana is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), but not a party to its Second Optional

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