(PDF) An integrated approach towards marble waste

The marble-processing plants generate huge quantity of waste as marble stone in irregular pieces and slurry. More than 150 marble-processing plants in the study area are contributing to such ...

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A brief review on sustainable utilisation of marble …

A vast amount of non-biodegradable waste is generated during mining and processing operations of dimensional stones such as marble. This, over the years has become a global nuisance by damaging...

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A study on environmental and economic impacts of using waste marble …

Illegal mining activities have changed the river courses, diminished water tables and caused unimaginable impact on the organisms. ... Recovery and utilization of ultra-fine marble dust contained in marble slurry waste, in: Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Dimension Stones, Carrara, Italy, 2008, pp. 386–390. Google …

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Use of Marble Waste Dust Powder Partially Replacing …

Hence the reuse of waste material has been needed. New products can be produce from waste or waste material can be used as admixtures so that natural resources are used more efficiently and the environment is protected from waste deposits. Marble stone industry generates both solid waste and stone slurry.

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Marble and Granite Slurry Reuses in Industries | SpringerLink

Alum as a coagulant can increase the rate of formation of deposits. The supernatant returns from the brigade again. ... R.P. Singh Kushwah, I.C. Sharma.Energy efficiency and value engineering with industrial waste "marble slurry". Int. J. Appl. Eng. Technol. 5(1), 84–89 (2015). ISSN 2277-212X (Online) Google Scholar

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(PDF) Marble and Granite Waste: Characterization …

For this purpose, MD had replaced binder of SCC at certain contents of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 kg/m 3 and the result obtained are given in Fig.8.

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A new technology of marble slurry waste utilisation in roads

Marble slurry dust (MSD, a waste of marble industry, finds bulk utilization potential in roads. This study indicates that besides embankment construction with this waste, 20-30% of soil can be replaced by MSD for sub-grade preparation. Technology has been validated by taking full scale trials in the field.

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A New Technology of Marble Slurry Waste Utilization in Buildings

Marble slurry is a processing and polishing waste of marble mining industry. Its huge quantity of the order of 20% out of mined resources is dumped on any empty land, agricultural fields, pasture lands, river beds and road sides. ... Chemical analysis of marble slurry waste from Gang saw/circular Saw/ Block cutter Processing units installed at ...

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A New Technology of Marble Slurry Waste Utilization in …

Chemical analysis of marble slurry waste from Gang saw/circular Saw/ Block cutter Processing units installed at Jaipur CaO % 32.80 MgO% 1.080 R 2 O 3 % 2.65 Acid Insoluble % 14.38 Loss on Ignition 39.35 Total 99.98 Abstract -Marble slurry dust (M S D). A waste material of marble industry. Is being used in different type of

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Wastewater and sludge management and research in …

The number of research projects done on wastewater reuse and other ongoing ones related to the land application of sewage sludge should encourage revision of existing …

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Sustainable approach towards utilizing Makrana marble waste …

During marble mining, processing, cutting and polishing, more than 12 MT (million tons) of marble waste is produced in the state of Rajasthan, India, which is now a major environmental issue. The marble waste used in the present study was collected from Makrana marble mining, Rajasthan. The major mineral present in marble waste were …

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Sustainable use of fly ash and waste marble slurry powder …

This waste can be classified into two categories that is mining or quarrying waste and processing waste. Around 50% of the mined marble becomes waste during the process of mining to finishing marble. These wastes are in the form of boulders, grits, fines, and slurry. Management of these wastes is a serious problem for the stone industry.

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The Sustainable Use of Fine Marble Waste Powder for the …

The amount of increase depends on the uniformity coefficient value of the sand. In the past, various additives have been employed to improve the properties of soil; such as the use of cement and ...

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(PDF) Geological and technical characterisation …

The waste marble storage fields fulfill an ARTICLE IN PRESS 112 M. Yavuz C - elik, E. Sabah / Journal of Environmental Management 87 (2008) 106–116 Fig. 8. Geological map of marble waste storage fields in the …

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Oman Marble Supplier | Al Ajmi Marble LLC

Since 1997, Al Ajmi Marble is a leading manufacturer and exporter of natural Omani marble and operates its own quarries located in Oman: Sohar, Ibri and Al Mudhaibi. Al Ajmi Marble uses latest Italian technologies for processing slabs, tiles and cut to size.

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Utilization of Marble and Granite Waste in Concrete Bricks

Marble and granite industry has grown significantly in the last decades with the privatization trend in the early 1990s, and the flourishing construction industry in Egypt. Accordingly, the amount of mining and processing waste has increased. Stone waste is generally a highly polluting waste due to both its highly alkaline nature, and its manufacturing and …

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Sustainable Use of Marble Waste in Industrial Production of …

In the current study, waste marble powder was utilized to produce lightweight fired clay bricks and in the treatment of flue gases. Marble waste powder used in clay bricks and flue gas treatment was collected from local marble processing plants, and its chemical composition was analyzed using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis and X-ray …

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The Sustainable Use of Fine Marble Waste Powder for …

Nevertheless, in Oman marble waste generally ends up in municipality dump sites. Recent practice has demonstrated partial replacement of marble waste for soil stabilization. …

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(PDF) Use of Marble Slurry Waste in Building Works to …

Marble slurry is a processing and polishing waste of marble mining industry. Its huge quantity of the order of 20% out of mined resources is dumped on any empty land, agricultural fields, pasture lands, river beds and road sides. ... In this way, the environment can be protected from the harmful effects of dumping marble slurry waste into open ...

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A new technology of marble slurry waste utilisation in roads …

Marble slurry dust (MSD, a waste of marble industry, finds bulk utilization potential in roads. This study indicates that besides embankment construction with this waste, 20-30% of soil can be ...

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Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Managing Marble Quarry Waste …

Marble has been a prominent natural stone exploited since ancient times, commonly employed as a building material and ornamental stone. However, the disposal of waste generated from marble extraction, particularly fine sludge, poses significant environmental challenges for the dimensional stone industry. The difficulty in managing …

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Limestone or combination of marble waste and marble dust (from slurry) can be used on the production of activated or precipitated calcium carbonate. (9) Hollow Blocks and Wall Tiles

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Pollution hotspots and potential impacts on land use in …

Marble Processing Plants (MPP) are included in the list of environmentally unfriendly units since they generate a large amount of waste as sawdust, marble debris, and sludge. The produced waste causes environmental problems for the flora and fauna both aquatic and terrestrial environments. This paper is based on a geospatial survey …

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Kishangarh Marble Dumping Yard: A scenic spot with a dark …

The yard is under the District Mining Office, which is the body that ensures its safety. An uncommon place, but the marble slurry dump at Kishangarh is breathtaking and gives a snow-like replica. However, the marble dust can also cause lung and eye problems, so if you have breathing problems, be very careful. Source. Tickets and Timings

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marble. Key Words: mining, waste generation, environment and ecology 1. INTRODUCTION Mining of minerals has been an old act of the mankind. Marble extraction has also been an old task of mining people. ... and length of block / slab is converted into the waste (slurry.) In the gang sawing, after each slab thickness (8/18 /20 mm)

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An Overview of Utilization of Marble Slurry as A

Marble slurry dust (MSD, a waste of marble industry, finds bulk utilization potential in roads. This study indicates that besides embankment construction with this …

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An integrated approach towards marble waste …

Marble units generate an enormous amount of non-biodegradable waste during the processing operations and are considered one of the environmentally unfriendly industrial sectors. This sector has become a global nuisance due to its multi-dimensional damaging nature. Therefore, a multidimensional approach is needed to geographically …

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The Sustainable Use of Fine Marble Waste Powder for …

Marble waste was sampled from Oman Marble, Al-Turki Enterprices L.L.C., Sohar Industrial Estate, Sohar, Sultanate of Oman. Marble waste slurry is produced as a result of sawing and polishing of marble for construction applications. Water is then removed from slurry at the factory and fine marble waste is dumped at the landfill sites. The authors

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Utilization of marble piece wastes as base materials

The use of quarry wastes such as marble waste as building materials prevents the reduction of natural rivers and mining materials . Marble wastes in the quarry environment are in the form of slurry/powder and stones of irregular shape and size, which are dumped in open lands and along roads, which create a lot of environmental and health ...

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An integrated approach towards marble waste management: …

More than 150 marble processing units (MPUs) are scattered in the study area pouring waste into the environment in the form of slurry. The produced waste roots …

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The Sustainable Use of Fine Marble Waste Powder for the

In this study waste calcite marble dust was used. Marble waste was sampled from Oman Marble, Al-Turki Enterprices L.L.C., Sohar Industrial Estate, Sohar, Sultanate of Oman. Marble waste slurry is produced as a result of sawing and polishing of marble for construction applications.

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Metal immobilization in hazardous contaminated minesoils after marble

Metal immobilization in hazardous contaminated minesoils after marble slurry waste application. A field assessment at the Tharsis mining district (Spain) J Hazard Mater. 2010 Sep 15;181(1-3):817-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.05.087. Epub 2010 May 25. Authors J C Fernández-Caliani ...

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Soil Amendment Using Marble Waste for Road Construction …

Bulk utilization of marble dust needs to be done to enhance the sustainable construction activities and to embrace safe environment. In the present study, the geotechnical properties of untreated and treated black cotton soil with marble dust are studied in detail to check its potential to improve the properties of soil. The experimental works include …

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Utilization of "Marble Slurry In Cement Concrete …

The marble mining and the industry as a whole are different from other industries to the ver y fact that, the marble is a "Dimensional Stone", which means the stone ... one thousand Gang saws and thousands of cutters are producing 15-20 lac tons of marble slurry waste which is indestructible waste and harm to general Public. Some of effects of ...

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Metal immobilization in hazardous contaminated minesoils after marble

Metal immobilization in hazardous contaminated minesoils after marble slurry waste application. A field assessment at the Tharsis mining district (Spain). @article{FernndezCaliani2010MetalII, title={Metal immobilization in hazardous contaminated minesoils after marble slurry waste application.

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The Sustainable Use of Fine Marble Waste Powder for the …

This paper explored possibilities for the sustainable invigoration of marble waste as an environment friendly recycled material in Oman. In this study, marble …

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Metal immobilization in hazardous contaminated minesoils after marble

A one-year field trial was conducted at the abandoned mine site of Tharsis (Spain) in order to assess the potential value of waste sludge generated during the processing of marble stone, as an additive for assisting natural remediation of heavily contaminated acid mine soils. An amendment of 22 cmol c of lime per kilogram of soil …

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Sustainable use of marble slurry in concrete

Researchers have tried to utilize such MS in cement, mortar, tiles, normal as well as self-compacting concrete (SCC), agglomerate marble, pavement, embankment, glues and paints (Elham, 2011).Waste marble dust was interground with Portland cement clinker at varying ratios by Aruntaş et al. (2010).They found that mortar samples …

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