Bulk and Solution Processes

Bulk and solution polymerizations refer to polymerization systems where the polymer produced is soluble in the monomer. In both processes, small amounts of additional ingredients such as initiators, catalysts, chain transfer agents, and stabilizers can be added to the process, but in all cases, these are also soluble in the reactor medium.

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27.8: Polymers and Polymerization Reactions

Learn about the two types of polymerization reactions: addition and condensation, and their applications in natural and synthetic materials. See examples of monomers and polymers, and the mechanisms of chain initiation, propagation and …

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Designing Polymerization Reaction Systems

Important considerations in polymerization reactor design include heat removal, kinetics, and process dynamics, as well as polymer properties and product quality.

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Polymerization Process Intensification Using Circulating Fluidized …

Gas phase olefin polymerizations are now widely achieved in fluidized bed reactors. In fluidized bed reactors, small catalyst particles are introduced into the bed, and when exposed to the gas flow (monomer), polymerization occurs reaching to a typical polymer particle size of 1000–3000 μm diameter.

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Microtubule Polymerization: One Step at a Time

These same techniques are now being applied to the process of polymerization, and the combination of optical tweezers and clever microfabricated barriers is also providing novel insight into the process of microtubule growth. ... but that this depolymerization phase does not lead to a catastrophe and is quickly followed by re …

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Study on the mechanism and properties of new …

Emulsion polymerization is an effective means of synthesizing high-molecular-weight polymers in order to reduce the consumption of fossil energy. This paper adopts isoamyl octanoate to replace white oil as the continuous phase of emulsion polymerization to synthesize the high molecular weight polyacrylamide emulsion RSE. …

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3.3: Kinetics of Chain Polymerization

The polymerization of alkenes occurs in a very different way than monomers that undergo condensation reactions. Whether it occurs through an anionic, cationic, or radical mechanism, polymerization of alkenes involves a chain reaction. ... There is one last process, or group of processes, to complete the chain reaction cycle. …

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The Slurry Polymerization Process with Super-Active Ziegler …

The cascaded polymerization process offers unique possibilities because of the high flexibility to design the polyethylene structure with respect to average molecular mass, the shape of the molecular mass distribution, and the comonomer distribution. ... hard crystalline phase interconnected across the amorphous softer phase via tie molecules ...

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High Density Polyethylene

Another type of polymerization used to create HDPE is gas-phase polymerization. The process involves the reaction an a-olefin with an active catalyst, typically chromium based catalyst that is silica-supported, to create HDPE. This process is most commonly used to produce LLDPE and the molecular weight is controlled with the addition of the ...

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Synthesis of Raspberry-Like Poly(styrene–glycidyl …

Synthesis of Raspberry-Like Poly(styrene–glycidyl methacrylate) Particles via a One-Step Soap-Free Emulsion Polymerization Process Accompanied by Phase Separation. Xinlong Fan, Xiangkun Jia, Hepeng …

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Polymerization (video)

Polymerization is a process used to create macromolecular compounds known as polymers. These macromolecules are made up of a large number of repeating units known as monomers. Materials made up of these large molecules have unique chemical, mechanical, and thermal properties. ... consisting of an aqueous and an organic phase. …

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Model-Based design of a novel process applicable to …

Model based design of a novel polymerization process is performed. • The process is applicable to solution and slurry polymerization with phase change. • The process can efficiently control product properties and reactor heat load. • Cooled evaporation streams affect concentration gradients and heat transfer rates. •

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Polypropylene: Gas-Phase Polymerization and Reactor Blends

This article highlights the significant advancements in the industries and presents gas-phase propylene polymerization technology through a detailed description of the Novolen gas-phase process.

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(PDF) Polyethylene plastic production process

by gas phase and solution process es, while HDPE is mostly by the slurry method. Traditionally, slurry processes have been ... polymerization system which can reduce the reaction temperature and ...

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Polymerization is the process of forming polymers from monomers by covalent bonds. Learn about the different types of polymerization, such as step-growth, chain-growth, and condensation, and their mechanisms …

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Modeling of the molecular weight distribution and short …

The model based on the estimated parameters yields MWD and SCBD which are in good agreement with experimental ones for several LLDPE grades obtained from a pilot-scale gas phase polymerization process. The non-standard polymerization reaction scheme depicts well the "comonomer effect" - activation of dormant ethylene species.

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Designing Polymerization Reaction Systems

Such heterogeneous polymerization systems are often used in free-radical polymerization. Figure 1. Polymerization of a viscous discrete phase (orange circles) in a less-viscous continuous phase (gray background). An interesting example of a heterogeneous system is olefin polymerization in fluidized-bed reactors.

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Important mesoscale phenomena in gas phase fluidized bed …

In the case of the cloudy ethylene polymerization gas phase process, the volatile liquid acting as an inert condensate and/or the reactants are injected into the fluidized bed to form a low-temperature liquid injection zone (that is, a cloudy zone). The polymer particles continuously enter this region and collide with liquid droplets to form ...

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As for the reaction mechanism, the process of polymerization mainly involves two different methods, the step-growth mechanism and the chain-growth mechanism. Step Growth Polymerization. In step-growth polymerization, the polymers are formed by the independent reaction between the functional groups of simple monomer units. In step …

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Suspension Polymerization

Preparation of polymer-based nanomaterials. Ignác Capek, in Nanocomposite Structures and Dispersions (Second Edition), 2019. 3.8 Suspension polymerization. Suspension polymerization is a heterogeneous radical polymerization process that uses mechanical agitation to mix a monomer or mixture of monomers in a liquid phase, such as water, …

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1 – Polymer Production – Visual Encyclopedia of …

Learn about the basic science and industrial processes of polymerization reactions, such as anionic, cationic, free radical, and step-growth polymerization. Compare thermosets and thermoplastics, and explore …

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Polymerization | Definition, Classes, & Examples

Polymerization is the process of combining small molecules called monomers to form large chainlike or network molecules called …

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PLA bioplastic production: From monomer to the polymer

The polymerization stage is polycondensation of LA or LA derivatives aimed to produce low molar mass PLA chains ... One-step synthesis (OSS) method is also known as one-step liquid-phase process for the synthesis of lactide. This novel method was first proposed by Sels et al. in 2015, ...

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3.1: Thermodynamics of Polymerization

Polymerization is the process of taking individual monomers and enchaining them into a macromolecule. Thermodynamically, there are always two factors to …

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Phase separation during bulk polymerization of methyl methacrylate …

Figure 1a–o shows selected pictures during the bulk free-radical polymerization conducted in a scintillation vial. After ~70 min of mixing the MMA and initiators, phase separation started at the ...

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3.2: Kinetics of Step-Growth Polymerization

Learn how polyesterification, a condensation polymerization, proceeds through a step-growth process involving esterification of alcohol and carboxylic acid functional groups. See the …

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Suspension polymerization technique: parameters …

Suspension polymerization technique: parameters affecting polymer properties and application in oxidation reactions Vasu Chaudhary1 & Sweta Sharma1 ... upon the type of polymerization technique. Monomer phase referred as dispersed phase/organic phase and the liquid phase

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Scale-up of a suspension-like polymerization process for …

The scale-up of microcapsules prepared by a suspension-like polymerization process showed that the classical nonintermittent Kolmogoroff theory is applicable on the laboratory scale, whereas in the pilot plant a large intermittence took place, thus limiting the scale- up to higher stirring rates at which an equal average dissipation rate in both scales led to …

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Reaction Calorimetry for Studying Kinetics in Bulk Phase Polymerization

In a batch bulk phase polymerization process, due to the much higher density of polypropylene compared to liquid propene, the liquid volume level in the reactor is decreasing. Thus, also the heat transfer area decreases with conversion (Figure 11). In order to determine and quantify the change of the heat transfer conditions, calibration ...

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Suspension Polymerization

Microencapsulation of phase change materials (PCMs) for thermal energy storage systems. R. Al Shannaq, M.M. Farid, in Advances in Thermal Energy Storage Systems, 2015 10.2.3 Suspension polymerization. Suspension polymerization is one of the encapsulation processes under the category of chemical methods. This method is used for production …

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Modeling of the molecular weight distribution and short …

Development of a microstructure-oriented process model for a gas phase copolymerization of ethylene and an α-olefin which integrates a non-standard polymerization reaction scheme, a simultaneous deconvolution method and a parameter estimation approach.. Validation of a simultaneous deconvolution method for treating …

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Progress in Synthesis of Conductive Polymer Poly(3,4

In the process of gas phase polymerization, the introduction of monomers and additives is closely related to the ambient temperature of the reaction. Water vapor as a proton cleaner plays a very important role in conductivity, while the removal of protons is directly determined by temperature (Goktas et al., 2015).

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3.1: Thermodynamics of Polymerization

Polymerization is the process of taking individual monomers and enchaining them into a macromolecule. ... In alkene polymerization in particular, phase changes between gas phase or liquid phase starting material and solid product is appreciable, although still small compared to the bond strength issues. Nevertheless, at …

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A novel interfacial polymerization assisted phase inversion process …

Additionally, this process provides a unique approach to synthesize the PA layer through oil-oil interfacial polymerization even before the fabrication of the UF support, which is distinct from the traditional IP process of NF membranes made through water–oil interface on the prepared polysulfone support membranes.

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3D of inherently nanoporous polymers via polymerization …

Here, we introduce a method combining advantages of 3D via digital light processing and polymerization-induced phase separation, which enables formation of 3D polymer structures of ...

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Investigation of a dynamic operation mode of ethylene polymerization …

1. Introduction. The fluidized bed is a common polymerization reactor to produce linear low-density polyethylene [1], [2].With a deep understanding of the multiphase flow characteristics, the heat transfer behaviors of gas-phase fluidized beds and the reaction kinetics of catalysts, the condensed mode operation of gas-phase polyethylene …

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Industrially Relevant Polymerization Processes | SpringerLink

The focus is on chain-growth polymerization, and special attention is paid to the heterogeneous methods—suspension and emulsion polymerization. Gas phase …

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Fundamentals of Emulsion Polymerization

If the continuous phase is organic, and the dispersed phase is a water-soluble monomer dissolved in water, the process is termed an inverse emulsion polymerization and produces dispersions of concentrated aqueous polymer solutions in the organic medium. Although not widely used, such polymerizations are very important …

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