Study on strength prediction and strength change of Phosphogypsum …

Through a large number of studies [4], [13], [14], [15], many scholars generally believe that filling the goaf with phosphogypsum is an ideal solution to solve the hazards of phosphogypsum and achieve resource utilization, and it is also the development trend of future mining technology.

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Phosphogypsum contains substantial quantities of P, which can be beneficial if large amounts of gypsum are applied. The levels of the other elements in the materials are so low that they are of little importance. Phosphogypsum from Florida contains 226 Ra and gives off radon (222 Rn) gas, which poses a potential health hazard (Mays and Mortvedt ...

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From Grave to Cradle: Treatment, Resource Recycling, and …

Phosphogypsum (PG) wastes, including solid-state PG and liquid-state PG leachate, are industrial byproducts generated during the production of phosphoric acid. It is of great concern due to the large-scale product accumulation and environmental and geological hazards. Harmless treatment and green chemical resource utilization …

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Environmental impacts of phosphogypsum

Phosphogypsum is an acidic by-product from the phosphate fertilizer industry. Large quantities are produced world-wide and it is estimated that by the year 2000 up to 280 million tonnes will be produced annually. Although phosphogypsum is mainly calcium sulfate dihydrate, it contains elevated levels of impurities which originate …

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Phosphogypsum Recycling: A Review of Environmental …

The problem of recycling and storage of phosphogypsum is topical for many countries around the world, as it is associated with environmental problems of pollution of water bodies, land, and atmosphere. Therefore, this paper analyzes the directions of phosphogypsum recycling and possible alternatives to its use. The main …

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Phosphogypsum | US EPA

Phosphogypsum is a solid waste byproduct from processing phosphate ore to make phosphoric acid that is later used in fertilizer. Phosphogypsum contains radium, which decays to form radon gas. Both radium and radon are radioactive and can cause cancer.

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EPA Approves Use of Phosphogypsum in Road Construction

Risk analyses conducted by TFI, and reviewed by the EPA, demonstrate that the proposed use of phosphogypsum in road construction is as protective of public …

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Recovery and recycling core of phosphogypsum: …

In this paper, the hazard prevention and safety risk assessment control model of PG comprehensive utilization is scientifically established from three aspects: hazard identification, risk analysis and hazard characterization, as shown in Fig. 12. Firstly, the site environment and pollutants are investigated to determine the types, distribution ...

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Subpart R: Resources | US EPA

Subpart R protects the public and the environment from the hazards of radioactive materials found in phosphogypsum.. Some Guidance on Applying for Approval for Other Uses of Phosphogypsum (pdf) (54.2 KB) This document provides "some guidance" in recognition that we will continue to add more guidance in response to your …

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A systematic review of phosphogypsum recycling industry …

The production and hazards of phosphogypsum. Based on the China Industrial Statistical Yearbook and China Phosphate and Compound Fertilizer Industry Association, Hou et al. (2022) calculated that China's annual production of PG reached 62 × 10 6 t in 2010 and increased to 75 × 10 6 t in 2020, an increase of 20.97%.

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(PDF) Phosphate, phosphoric acid and phosphogypsum …

The concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K maintained in phosphate rock (PR), phosphoric acid (PA) and phosphogypsum (PG) samples and its possible radiation hazards, have been measured.

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Production Waste Management: Qualitative and Quantitative

Phosphogypsum (PG: CaSO4·2H2O) is a waste product (or by-product) from the production of phosphoric acid, the main component in the production of concentrated simple and complex fertilizers.

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Review of the State of Impurity Occurrences and Impurity …

1. Introduction. China is the world's largest phosphate fertilizer producer and has become the world's largest phosphogypsum resource by-product country, with annual production in phosphogypsum of about 75 million tons, but the comprehensive utilization rate is about 45% only; as the accumulated stockpile has reached 830 million tons, …

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Assessment of the radiological impacts of treated phosphogypsum …

Phosphogypsum (PG) was treated to reduce activity concentrations of 226Ra, which was found to exceed that permitted by international regulations. Treatment methods using hybrid water treatment, sulphuric acid treatment, mixed acid (H2SO4 and HNO3) treatment, water treatment and calcium carbonate powder treatment …

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Radioactive Material From Fertilizer Production | US EPA

Phosphogypsum is transported in pipes as slurry and is very watery when it is first put on the stack. As the phosphogypsum dries out, a crust forms on the stack. The crust thickens over time, reducing the amount of radon that can escape and helping keep the waste from blowing in the wind. Some of the water can leak out the bottom and …

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The treatment of phosphogypsum leachate is more urgent …

Phosphogypsum(PG) is one of the typical bulk industrial solid wastes generated in the phosphate chemical industry. Due to its huge production volume and immature resource treatment technology, a large amount of PG can only be stored and disposed in slag yards, and its impact on the ecological environment is becoming increasingly significant during …

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Radioactive Material From Fertilizer Production

Phosphogypsum, a waste product from manufacturing fertilizer, emits radon, a radioactive gas. It also contains the …

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Production Waste Management: Qualitative and …

Characteristics and the Calculation of the Hazard Class of Phosphogypsum Natalya Seraya 1, Vadim Litvinov 2, Gulzhan Daumova 3,*, Nursultan Zhusipov 4, Zhanat Idrisheva 3

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Exploring the potential reuse of phosphogypsum: A waste or …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of phosphate fertilizer production that contains various impurities and radionuclides. This review explores its properties, …

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Phosphogypsum Factsheet

PHOSPHOGYPSUM FACTSHEET Conservation groups petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to better regulate phos-phogypsum and process wastewater under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and the Toxic Substances Control Act because they pose a substantial hazard and unreasonable risk of injury to human health and the …

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Radiological characterization of phosphate rocks, phosphogypsum …

Radiological characterization of radionuclides contained in the phosphate rocks, phosphogypsum, phosphoric acid, and phosphates fertilizers (DAP, NPS, NPK, TSP, and TAP) in Morocco have been performed to provide a database for the assessment of the environmental and the radiological impacts.The measurements of the activity …

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Subpart R: National Emission Standards for Radon Emissions …

Subpart R limits certain radionuclides in phosphogypsum stacks. It requires owners and operator to monitor radon emissions from inactive (completed) stacks. ... Subpart R protects the public and the environment from the hazards of radioactive materials found in phosphogypsum. Phosphogypsum is a solid waste byproduct that …

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Realising the circular phosphorus economy delivers for …

Husein Malkawi, D. A., Husein Malkawi, A. I. & Bani-Hani, K. A. Slope Stability Analysis for the Phosphogypsum Stockpiles: A Case Study for the Sustainable Management of the Phosphogypsum Stacks ...

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Environmental impact assessment of phosphate fertilizers …

Hazard index for γ-rays (representative gamma index) This factor is used to compute the level of γ-radiation hazard associated with phosphate fertilizers and phosphogypsum waste. The hazard index (I γ) in Bq/kg is calculated using the following formula [31]: (11) I γ = A Ra / 150 + A Th / 100 + A K / 1500

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From Grave to Cradle: Treatment, Resource Recycling, and …

Phosphogypsum (PG) wastes, including solid-state PG and liquid-state PG leachate, are industrial byproducts generated during the production of phosphoric acid. It …

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Materials | Free Full-Text | Review of the State of Impurity

A variety of co-existing impurities in phosphogypsum limit its large-scale and high-value utilization. This paper summarizes the common contents of major impurity components (silicon and phosphorus) and trace impurity components (fluorine, iron, aluminum, and carbon) in phosphogypsum and discusses the harm of impurity …

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Properties, Purification, and Applications of Phosphogypsum…

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product produced during the wet process of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) production from natural phosphate rocks. Approximately 4–6 tons of PG is produced per ton of phosphoric acid production, where worldwide PG generation exceeds 300 million tons annually. The vast majority of produced PG is discarded …

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Phosphogypsum: potential uses and problems – a …

Phosphogypsum (PG: CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) is a waste product generated by the phosphate industry. World production of this waste exceeds 200 million tonnes per year. PG, discharged into the sea, …

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Phosphogypsum: potential uses and problems – …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product produced during the wet process of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) production from natural phosphate rocks. Approximately 4–6 tons of PG is produced per ton of ...

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Recycling phosphogypsum in road construction materials …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a major hazardous by-product of the phosphate industry. The whole world is facing the challenge of increasing stockpiles of PG, which significantly affect safety and the environment. Recycling this material may be an environmentally ...

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Guest Op/Ed: Phosphogypsum and Radiation

Allowing for the widespread distribution of phosphogypsum will lead to less oversight of a dangerous waste product. The EPA and DEP lack adequate regulations needed to protect the public and the environment from hazards associated with gypsum stacks and dispersal of phosphogypsum.

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Phosphogypsum circular economy considerations: A critical …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is the primary byproduct generated during the production of phosphoric acid, an intermediate product in phosphate fertilizer production, from calcium phosphate (apatite) ore. PG also exists in very small amounts in nature where it is the result of natural guano processes as they took for instance place in the …

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Phosphogypsum Factsheet

Phosphogypsum is the radioactive waste from phosphate ore processing that can contain carcinogens and toxic metals. Learn why conservation groups are petitioning the EPA to …

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