Burning characteristics of pulverized coal within blast …

Because the specific surface of injected pulverized coal was much higher than that of coke, only coal burning was considered in the simulation. In the oxy-coal lance injection, 40– of enriched oxygen was designed to go through the annulus of the coaxial lance, and the rest, namely, from 60% to 0%, was added into the blast.

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Ignitability and combustibility of Yallourn pyrolysis char …

Pulverized coal injection (PCI) is a widely used blast furnace technology aimed at reducing costs and increasing productivity. The prospect of blending PCI coal with a lower cost char, derived ...

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(PDF) South African coal and its abrasiveness index

The Yancey, Geer and Price (YGP) abrasion index has been used for many years to assess the abrasive nature of a coal. The index is clearly related to the mineral matter in the coal, but a direct ...

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Impacts of Blending Semi-coke in PCI coal on Grinding …

A 50 g air-dried coal sample with a particle size of 0.63–1.25 mm was put into the HGI tester. A 284 N force was applied to the steel ball to drive the motor to rotate at 60 rpm for grinding purposes. The pulverized coal was sieved on a sieve shaker with an aperture size of 71 S" and the pulverized coal above and under the sieve was weighed.

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Combustion Characteristics of Coal for Pulverized Coal …

In the pulverized coal injection (PCI) process of a blast furnace (BF), intensifying the combustion of pulverized coal in the raceway and tuyere is the key to …

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Numerical simulation of co-injection of pulverized coal and …

The formed high-temperature zone is closer to the centre of the blast furnace than those in the single injection of pulverized coal and in pulverized coal injection with general blast furnace gas as a carrier gas. The maximum temperature reaches 2610 K. Moreover, the pyrolysis reaction of pulverized coal is in advance, whereas the burnout …

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Application of a Mechanistic Erosion and Abrasion Model to …

An often-overlooked aspect of Pulverized Coal (PC) combustion is the erosion and abrasion of the coal injection nozzles. Currently there are over 300 active …

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Advanced pulverized coal injection technology and blast …

Includes bibliographical references and index. Contents. Chapter Headings. Introduction - high rate PCI operation in Japan. Characteristics of pulverized coal combustion. Combustion behaviour of PC particle group. PC combustion in blast furnace. Modeling of pulverized coal combustion. Advanced injection lances for high rate PCI.

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Application of a Mechanistic Erosion and Abrasion Model to Pulverized

Request PDF | Application of a Mechanistic Erosion and Abrasion Model to Pulverized Coal (PC) Injections | Coal use for generation of electricity is used extensively world-wide accounting for 40% ...

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Impacts of Blending Semi-coke in PCI Coal on Grinding …

Pulverized coal injection (PCI) is an important means to save coke and reduce smelting costs for blast furnace. ... and high abrasion index. The addition of semi-coke reduced the grinding efficiency of the mill and afforded large-sized milled particles. The developed pore structure of semi-coke can enhance kinetic diffusion, and semi-coke is ...

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Quality requirements of iron ore for iron production

After considering European practice and the change in gas composition due to pulverized coal injection (PCI) operation, ISO 4696-1 was introduced using a gas mixture containing 2% H 2 and 20% CO 2. In accordance with ISO 4696-1, a sized sample of 500 ... Abrasion index, % ...

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Comparison of semi-coke with traditional pulverized coal injection …

Substantial semi-coke has been produced through the industrialized low-temperature pyrolysis process, which has great potential as an alternative fuel for pulverized coal injection (PCI) and iron ...

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Advanced pulverized coal injection technology and blast …

Chapter Headings. Introduction - high rate PCI operation in Japan. Characteristics of pulverized coal combustion. Combustion behaviour of PC particle group. PC combustion in blast furnace. Modeling of pulverized coal combustion. Advanced injection lances for high rate PCI. Phenomena in blast furnace with high rate PCI. Generation of fine blast …

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grinding coals for pulverized coal combustion, equipment surfaces and grinding components, which are in contact with coal, are subject to wear according to various mechanisms and under different interaction conditions. Such wear mecha-nisms include abrasion, impact erosion, and micro-cutting. Wear depends on the conditions of …

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Particle motion simulation and pulverized coal injection …

The production process of direct reduced iron from titanomagnetite by coal reduction in air in rotary kiln is a key step in the extraction of titanium and iron. This process is conducive to alleviating the stocking problem of a large amount of Ti-bearing blast furnace slag. The relationships between particle movement and pulverized coal …

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Ash management in coal-fired power plants

coal pre-treatment, and in particular coal washing, which can affect both the quantity and nature of the ash-forming constituents present in a boiler, is discussed in Chapter 4, together with milling conditions which affect the particle size of the feed; the potential reactions in the coal particles during the

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Simultaneous Injection of Pulverized Coal and Dolomite …

For the simultaneous control of Si and S contents in pig iron, a simultaneous injection of pulverized coal and flux (dolomite in this research) into blast furnace tuyeres was proposed. ... Distribution characteristics to tuyeres and abrasion of transport pipeline of pulverized coal and dolomite mixture were found to be no problem for commercial ...

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Comparison of semi-coke with traditional pulverized coal injection …

Substantial semi-coke has been produced through the industrialized low-temperature pyrolysis process, which has great potential as an alternative fuel for pulverized coal injection (PCI) and iron ore sintering. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscope, and thermal analysis were used to compare the carbon chemical …

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Pulverized coal injection (PCI) | Iron & Steel | Kuettner Group

Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI) using the dense-flow method. The Küttner developed and perfected dense-flow method offers several advantages over a lower-density system. Higher injection rates are achieved with simultaneously lower coke rates, which can optimize the fuel costs of the blast furnace. In addition, dense-flow technology enables ...

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Pulverised Coal

Illustration of pulverized coal injection (PCI) in the blast furnace [18]. Read more. View chapter Explore book. Read full chapter. ... h-index 83. Publications 224. Zheng, Chuguang. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. Citations 17,105. h-index 68. Publications 215. Xu, Minghou.

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Pulverized Coal Injection

The pulverized coal injection technology is based on a combination of several unit operations. Main unit operations include: Pulverized Coal Injection PC PC WT WT FS FC FS FY FT FT FT FC FY FC FY WT PC WT PC WT FT FT WT FC FY FC FY FC FT FT WT FC FY FC FY FC FC FC WT WT FC FY FT 8 Basic Combinaisons of Inward Transfer …

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Influence of Reducing Gas Injection Methods on Pulverized Coal

The combustion characteristics of pulverized coal upon injection with a reducing gas in a medium oxygen-enriched blast furnace are summarized as follows: (1) In injection method 1, 30% MOBF-RGI-1 had a lower reducing gas injection volume, and the pulverized coal burnout was 6% higher than that of the TBF. The 40 and 50% …

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ITP Steel: Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI) Coal …

During pulverized coal injection in a blast furnace, the unburnt char could accumu-late in the raceway region. Such an accumulation of char would eventually be entrained into the gas flow and carried up to the blast furnace stack, and therefore could impact burden permeability. Char consumption in the blast furnace involves

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Technological advancements in evaluating the …

The pulverized coal injection (PCI) is pursued to reduce the hot metal production cost by replacing the expensive metallurgical coke with the non-coking coal. Increasing the PCI …

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Definition and Assessment of Coal Abrasivity

On average, the abrasion index for a population of coals decreases upon reduction in ash content, density, iron content and an increase in grindability and oxygen …

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Impacts of Blending Semi-coke in PCI Coal on Grinding …

The feasibility of reducing the grinding energy by optimizing particle sizes of semi-coke and improving the grindability of semi-coke by using selected pyrolytic coal and adjusting the …

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Assessment and prediction of coal abrasiveness

'Inherent abrasive index' (IAI), defined as the abrasion index of the coal in an air-dry condition, was related to the ash analysis of the coal by the equation: IAI=(S+F-1.11)/0.118 (r=0.98) (1) where S and F are the mass per cent of silicon (as SiO^) and iron (as Fe^C^) respectively in the coal, at 15% Assessment and prediction of coal ...

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Characteristics of wood-based biochars for pulverized coal injection

Pulverized coal (PC) injection is the most efficient method to decrease the use of high price metallurgical coke in the blast furnace (BF). ... Fig. 14 indicates the wall friction angle and flow function (FF) index for PC, PSBC and birch chars obtained at different pyrolysis temperatures. The results show that increasing the pyrolysis ...

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