CNGR plans nickel smelter, precursor plant in South Kalimantan

law no. 3 of 2020 regarding amendment of law no. 4 of 2009 regarding mineral and coal mining Official warns of nickel mine closures if prices fall below $15,000 Indonesian Nickel Book 2022

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South Kalimantan thermal coal miners facing delays from …

singapore — Thermal coal miners in South Kalimantan were experiencing loading delays following flooding in the region, sources said Jan. 19, with a state of …

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Deadly Coal

A closer look at coal in Kalimantan. The two provinces in Kalimantan currently most affected by the industry are East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan. In East Kalimantan, the timber industry has decimated the forests since the 1960s and is now in steep decline: plywood mills have stopped operating and workers have been laid off.

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Indonesian coal deliveries delayed by heavy rains around South Kalimantan

A vessel queue at some South Kalimantan ports is building up as loading activity gets affected by heavy rains, sources said on Thursday. ... breaking news, analysis, pricing and data visualization subscribe today. ... Platts assessed the price of FOB Kalimantan 5,900 kcal/kg GAR coal at $67.80/mt and FOB Kalimantan 5,000 kcal/kg …

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Analysis of Constructed Swamp Forest Vegetation as A Phitoremediation

Coal mining activities could potentially interfere with the environment. One of the environmental disturbances in coal mining activities is theformation of acid mine drainage (AMD). AMD management can be done passively through the construction of swamp forest. The constructed swampforest system uses organic material in the form of …

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South Kalimantan thermal coal miners facing delays from …

The miners produce thermal coal with calorific values from 3,000-5,200 kcal/kg NAR, the sources said. "The flood has slowed down the production of coal, creating delay to some shipments," a South Kalimantan miner said. "We have stopped offering to the market amid tightening supply."

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The Impacts of Coal Mining on the Economy and …

The results show that the coal mining industry in South Kalimantan Province is growing. Large-scale coal mining is more profitable economically than small-scale operations, but in terms of environmental impact, the latter is a better choice as it exploits less resources. The policy -maker needs to consider measures to reduce the level of coal

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The abandoned mines haunting Indonesia

Critically, East Kalimantan hosts most of the country's coal reserves, and has approximately 52,000km² allocated for mining. The area has seen years of small-scale coal extraction, some of it illegal, and now the area's lush jungle and farmland are marked with hundreds of unfilled coal mining pits.

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Mexico Finds First Remains of Coal Miners Lost in 2022 …

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican authorities have located remains from two of the 10 coal miners trapped and killed at the El Pinabete mine in the state of …

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The Pioneer Plant Adaptation at The Post Coal Mining …

Coal mining leaving large overburden which needs to be rehabilitated by conducting reclamation and re-vegetation. This study objective was to evaluate plant species composition after thirteen ...

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PT Tuah Turangga Agung (known as Turangga Resources) is a subsidiary of PT Pamapersada Nusantara and PT United Tractors Tbk that focus to manage coal mine assets of the Astra Heavy Equipment, Mining, Construction and Energy (AHEMCE), PT Tuah Turangga Agung (Turangga Resources) adalah anak perusahaan PT …

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Characterization Of Coal Acid Water In Void Pools Of …

This former coal mining pond (Void) in South Kalimantan is located not far from the stockpile of coal potentially affecting the quality of the surrounding environment. When the wet season comes the wastewater from coal stockpiles participated dissolved and entered into the pool of former coal mines and some solutes inside.

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Powering Nusantara: 'coal' hearts, clogged 'mines'

Extensive development in coal mining is also seen in South Kalimantan, mainly concentrated on the southern coast of the province. While Central Kalimantan is …

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Rains impact South Kalimantan thermal coal production, …

"Mining has stopped due to rains, as most of the mines are open pit," a producer in South Kalimantan said, adding that land transport had also been impacted. Thunderstorms had been intermittent and production would resume once the rain subsides, the producer added.

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Indonesian Coal Mining Boom Is Leaving Trail of Destruction

JATAM, an Indonesian advocacy group, reports that about 16 million acres of land were set aside for coal mining in East and South Kalimantan provinces in 2010 — an area twice the size of Belgium. In South Kalimantan province, about 14 percent of all forested area lies in coal concessions, according to a 2014 Greenpeace analysis of …

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Characterization of the distribution of physical and …

Open-pit mine is a mining method by excavating overburden strata to get coal seam near the surface. One of potential hazard often occur in mining area is slope failure. The hazard can be …

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Five largest iron ore mines in Indonesia in 2020

The Yiwan Mine is located in South Kalimantan. It is owned by Yiwan Mining.The mine produced an estimated 2.547 MTPA of iron ore in 2020. ... The Pomalaa Mine is located in South East Sulawesi. ... Mining news and in-depth feature articles on the latest mining company deals and projects covering trends in mineral exploration …

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Review on In-pit Treatment of Acidic Pit Lake in Jorong Coal …

News; Events; Facilities. Mining Engineering Library; Mineralogy, Microscope, and Geochemical Lab. ... Review on In-pit Treatment of Acidic Pit Lake in Jorong Coal Mine, South Kalimantan, Indonesia ... ITB Sabet 10 Juara dalam International Sriwijaya Mining Games; Carrying Out Seawater Desalination Based Geothermal at IKN, Mining …

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An Environmental Crisis in Borneo

The province of South Kalimantan covers an area of 3.7 million hectares. Around 1.7 million hectares, or 33 percent of the area, have been allocated for coal mining concessions. Permits for palm oil plantations cover an area of 618 thousand hectares, or 17 percent of the area, a small portion was allocated to pulp concessions.

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Safety culture survey in coal-fired powerplant (PT X) at South

Safety culture survey in coal-fired powerplant (PT X) at South Kalimantan, Indonesia Safety culture has been defined as a product of the interaction between people, work and organisation. The aim of safety culture is to create an atmosphere where employees are aware of the risks they face in the workplace and how to prevent them.

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The Impact of Coal Mining on the Economy and Environment of South

Leakage of Coal Mining in South Kalimantan 26 Table 8. Leakage of Economic Sectors In South Kalimantan Province 27 Table 9. ... More recently, Zarate-Hoyos (2000) used a SAM model to examine the aspects of labour migration from Mexico to the US. Bautista (2000) made use of SAM multipliers to assess the effects of agricultural growth on …

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Patterns of infringement, risk, and impact driven by coal mining

Coal mining is known for its contributions to climate change, but its impacts on the environment and human lives near mine sites are less widely recognised. This study integrates remote sensing, GIS, stakeholder interviews and extensive review of provincial data and documents to identify patterns of infringement, risk and impact driven by coal …

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Coal Dust and Acute Respiratory Infections in South Kalimantan …

DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v14i1.87 Corpus ID: 212885852; Coal Dust and Acute Respiratory Infections in South Kalimantan PT 'X' Coal Mining Workers. @article{Rahman2020CoalDA, title={Coal Dust and Acute Respiratory Infections in South Kalimantan PT 'X' Coal Mining Workers.}, author={Zikri Fathur Rahman and Shinta …

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Review on In-pit Treatment of Acidic Pit Lake in …

Jorong Coal Mine is located in Asam-Asam Coal Basin, South Kalimantan and has been operated since 1999. Pit M4E is one of the mine pits that is already mined out since 2006.

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Plant Species From Coal Mine Overburden Dumping Site in Satui, South

This investigation sought to identify plants species that presence on coal mine overburden. The research was conducted on opencast coal mine OB dumping site in Satui, South Kalimantan. Vegetation sampling was carried out on six different ages of coal mine OB dumps (7, 10, 11, 42, 59 and 64 month) using line transect.

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Efforts intensify to reach 10 trapped coal miners in Mexico

Efforts to rescue 10 miners trapped in a collapsed and flooded coal mine in northern Mexico intensified Thursday with hundreds of people involved in the operation, …

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Coal mines polluting half of South Kalimantan's rivers, lakes

Nearly half of all the bodies of water in South Kalimantan is at risk of being contaminated by waste from coal mines, claims a report released by Greenpeace on …

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breaking news coal mining south kalimantan

News Coal Mining South Kalimantan wijkvriendenbe. Breaking News Gold Mining South Kalimantan Al mining in south sumatraEnergy in indonesiawikipediaKalimantan borneo and south sumatra are the centres of indonesia s coal miningIn recent years production in indonesia has been rising rapidly from just over 200 mill tons in 2007 to …

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BMB Coal Mine

Mine Name Location Coordinates () BMB Coal Mine Tapin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia -3.165361, 115.103284 (exact)

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International Journal of Coal Geology

Indonesia's long history of coal exploration and commercial production began > 160 years ago, when the colonial era Bureau of Mines began the first coal exploration.However, the origin of the modern coal industry from the 1980s followed the introduction of two new investment and mining laws in 1967, which provided the …

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China Disburses IDR 4.6 Trillion for Coal Mining Project in South …

Qinfa Group Ltd., through PT Sumber Daya Energi (SDE) has so far disbursed a budget worth USD 300 million or the equivalent of IDR 4.6 trillion to build the SDE 1 underground coal mine area, out of the three planned SDE mine locations in Kotabaru, South Kalimantan.

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9 coal miners trapped after collapse in northern Mexico

A cave-in at a coal mine in northern Mexico trapped nine miners Wednesday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said. For the latest headlines, follow our …

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SDE Pioneers Large-Scale Underground Coal Mining in …

PT Sumber Daya Energi ("PT SDE") pioneered the first large-scale underground coal mining operation in Indonesia, marking a significant change in the national mining landscape. With a coal concession covering an area of 185 km2 located in Sungai Durian, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, the PT SDE coal mine is estimated to have coal …

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Efforts intensify to reach 10 trapped coal miners in Mexico

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Two miners were killed when a cable snapped on the bucket used to lower them into a small, primitive coal mine that was operating illegally in …

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Sebuku Coal Mine, Kalimantan Indonesia

The Sebuku coal mine is an open cut truck and shovel coal-mining operation located on the tiny and remote island of Sebuku, in the province of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. ... Mining news and in-depth feature articles on the latest mining company deals and projects covering trends in mineral exploration with up to date data …

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9 coal miners trapped after collapse in northern Mexico

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A cave-in at a coal mine in northern Mexico trapped nine miners Wednesday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said. The president …

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(PDF) Mining sector in the economic structure of South Kalimantan

The abundance of coal resources in South Kalimantan Province makes the mining sector the largest contributor to GRDP. Coal is an export commodity that has a very large percentage of the total ...

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(PDF) Environmental impact control of coal mining activities …

that South Kalimantan has coal reserves of 162,952,196 tons, so mineral and coal mining activities are the prim ary sources of this Regional Original Revenue. The coal r eserves under management are

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The five largest coal mines in operation in Indonesia

Located in East Kalimantan, the FTB Project is owned by Bayan Resources. The surface mine produced an estimated 37.4 mtpa of coal in 2023. The mine will operate until 2055. Buy the profile here. 3. Tutupan Mine. The Tutupan Mine is located in South Kalimantan. It is owned by Adaro Energy and produced an estimated 36.39 mtpa of …

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