Desulfurization of high sulfur fine coal using a novel …

The throughput of high-ash and high-sulfur fine-grain coal (0–6 mm) increases year by year. The serious problem of direct combustion is the formation of acid rain and smog.

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A review of state-of-the-art processing operations in coal preparation

1.3. Fleet status. The United States currently operates 268 coal preparation plants in 14 states according to the latest annual census of coal processing plants conducted by Coal Age [3].The facilities, which are primarily located in West ia (80), Kentucky (56), and Pennsylvania (44), represent a total installed feed capacity of over …

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Removal of Sulfur and Ash from Coal Using Molten Caustic Leaching, a

According to Duz et al. treated the coal with a solution of NaOH and followed by acid at the temperature of 400˚C for 45 minutes, inorganic & 70% of organic sulfur and ash contents were ...

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Removal of sulfur and ash from coal using molten caustic …

Molten caustic leaching process is effective in reducing significant amount of ash derived from minerals, pyritic sulfur, and organic sulfur from coal. The effect of leaching coal samples from Hazro fields, situated in Southeast Anatolia region of

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Removal of sulfur and ash from coal using molten …

Removal of sulfur and ash from coal using molten caustic leaching, a case study from Hazro fields, Turkey M. Zahir Duz1, Abdurrahman Saydut2'*, Sait Erdogan1 and Candan Hamamci1 ... compounds ashes, and hazardous trace elements, the use and the processing of coal could cause environmental, industrial and technological problems. …

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How to Remove Sulphur from Coal

The process effectively removed over 95 percent of the pyritic sulfur in the coal. Reclamation of pyritic sulfur would eliminate stream pollution by acid water …

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Removal of sulfur at high temperatures using iron-based sorbents

3.. Results and discussionThe desulfurization experiments were carried out at 400–650 °C using the simulated coal gas which contains 0.47 vol% H 2 S. In blank experiments during which the simulated coal gas passed through the hot U-shape quartz reactor without a sorbent bed, about 500 ppm COS was detected in the outlet gas …

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Sono-Processing of Coal for Removal of Ash and Other Impurities

Molten caustic leaching process is effective in reducing significant amount of ash derived from minerals, pyritic sulfur, and organic sulfur from coal.

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Mercury in Chinese Coals: Modes of Occurrence and its Removal …

As one of the dangerous trace elements in coal, mercury has become an advanced research hotspot in coal purification. The content of ash, sulfur, and mercury of raw coals from four high-Hg coal preparation plants located in the main production areas of China was tested. To distinguish the connection between mercury content and the …

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Feasibility of using ultrasound-assisted process for sulfur and ash

Ambedkar et al. (2011a Ambedkar et al. (, 2011b studied the ultrasound-assisted process for sulfur and ash removal from coal, and they reported that the use of ultrasound appears to be a ...

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A model for alkaline removal of sulfur from a low-rank coal

A low-rank coal cleaned by heavy-liquids separation was treated by 1 M KOH solution at room conditions for a maximum of 2 h. The desulfurization mechanism in terms of total sulfur was well ...

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CHAPTER 3 Coal Preparation and Cleaning

Most coal requires some preparation before use. Preparation may range from simply crushing to provide a size consist suitable for certain types of boilers to extensive size …

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Selective sulfur removal from semi-dry flue gas desulfurization coal

High-sulfur mixed fly ash residues from semi-dry flue gas desulfurization units in coal-fired power plants are unsuitable for use as supplementary cementitious material (SCM) for concrete production or carbon dioxide utilization. In this work, we explore the potential for upcycling a representative spray dry absorber ash (10.44 wt% SO 3) …

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Exploration of the Combined Action Mechanism of Desulfurization and Ash

The combined effect of desulfurization and ash removal in the process of coal desulfurization by microwave with peroxyacetic acid was determined by evaluating variations in minerals and sulfur ...

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Coal Ash Basics | US EPA

Coal ash, also referred to as Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR), is the material produced primarily from the burning of coal in coal-fired power plants. ... Flue gas desulfurization material, a material leftover from the process of reducing sulfur dioxide emissions from a coal-fired boiler that can be a wet sludge consisting of calcium sulfite …

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SH Radical: The Key Intermediate in Sulfur Transformation …

To uncouple the complex behavior of sulfur transformation during thermal processing of coal and to elucidate the main mechanism, typical organic and inorganic sulfur compounds impregnated on or mixed with a low-ash char are studied through temperature-programmed decomposi tion coupled with online mass spectrum analysis …

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A model for alkaline removal of sulfur from a low-rank coal

A low-rank coal cleaned by heavy-liquids separation was treated by 1 M KOH solution at room conditions for a maximum of 2 h. The desulfurization mechanism in terms of total sulfur was well described by the model of unreacted-shrinking core in a homogeneous coal particle of unchanging size during process development. The …

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Feasibility of using ultrasound-assisted process for sulfur and …

The effects of process variables on coal yield, as well as on ash reduction and total sulfur reduction, have been analyzed using analysis of variance. Among the …

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Ultrasonic coal-wash for de-sulfurization

Research highlights Coal will continue to be a major fuel source for the foreseeable future, but its use is limited by ash and sulfur impurities. Cost-effective, high-throughput removal of ash and sulfur remain critical challenges in coal processing. This study explores aqueous and solvent-based ultrasonic techniques for deashing and …

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Removal of Organic Sulfur from Coal by Wheat Straw …

Figure 2 shows the effect of stirring time on the organic sulfur removal of coal by potassium ferric hexacyanoferrate (II) method. The stirring time is a significant parameter in desulfurization process. Organic sulfur removal rate increased exponentially with stirring time. The organic sulfur removal rate sharply increases 10

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Removal of Sulfur and Ash from Coal Using Molten Caustic …

Molten caustic leaching process is effective in reducing significant amount of ash derived from minerals, pyritic sulfur, and organic sulfur from coal.

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Exploration of the Combined Action Mechanism of Desulfurization and Ash

The combined effect of desulfurization and ash removal in the process of coal desulfurization by microwave with peroxyacetic acid was determined by evaluating variations in minerals and sulfur forms using X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Dielectric properties of minerals or organic sulfur functional groups in …

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Feasibility of using ultrasound-assisted process for sulfur and ash

Therefore, removal of mineral matter and sulfur from coal prior to its utilization is necessary [2]. Many researchers have tried to find an economically practical process for removing sulfur from coal, but no such process has been developed yet [3]. The chemistry of sulfur is so complex that it greatly complicates the removal of sulfur …

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How to Remove Sulphur from Coal

The combination gravity and flotation methods demonstrate the technical feasibility of processing fine size coal to effectively remove sulfur and ash to recover high quality clean coal products which meet or exceed specifications for commercial grade coal as regards to Btu value, and ash and sulfur content. The process effectively removed …

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Coal Preparation and Cleaning

Most coal requires some preparation before use. Preparation may range from simply crushing to provide a size consist suitable for certain types of boilers to extensive size reduction and cleaning to remove sulfur and ash-forming mineral matter. At …

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Rapid Estimation of Sulfur Content in High-Ash Indian Coal …

High-ash Indian coals are primarily used as thermal coal in power plants and industries. Due to the presence of sulfur in thermal coal, flue gas is a major environmental concern. Conventional methods (Ultimate Analysis of Coal) for sulfur content estimation are time-consuming, relatively costly, and destructive. In this study, Fourier-transform …

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Mercury removal from coal-fired flue gas by the

Compared with noncarbon-based sorbent such as fly ash, ... C H bond is a positive factor in the mercury removal process and Hg 0 can be converted to HgS under the influence of C S bond ... Experimental study on mercury removal from coal-fired flue gas by sulfur modified biomass coke with mechanochemical method. Fuel, 309 (2022), ...

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Sulfur removal by fine coal cleaning processes

This study reports the desulfurization and deashing of Hangu coal by air oxidation assisted froth floatation technique applying performic acid (H 2 O 2 +HCOOH) as co-oxidant and Fe ions as catalysts in aqueous solution. This process led to the removal of up to 78.08% of total sulfur (TS) and 50.3% of ash at 60 °C, 30 min, a 2:2 ratio of H 2 O …

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Removal of Sulfur Dioxide from Flue Gas by the Absorbent …

Removal of SO2 from flue gas by the absorbent prepared from coal fly ash, calcium oxide, and calcium sulfate was studied under different reaction conditions to elucidate the effects of the reaction temperature, water vapor pressure, and coexistence of NO in a flue gas. The SO2 removal activity increased with an increase in NO …

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Removal of sulfur and ash from Indonesian coal by …

The process of sulfur removal by microbes is carried out by enzymes and is considerably influenced by different factors including pH, temperature, nutrient composition, shaking or standing ...

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11.10 Coal Cleaning

Learn how coal cleaning removes impurities such as sulfur, ash, and rock from coal to upgrade its value. Find out the types, sources, and controls of emissions from coal …

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A model for alkaline removal of sulfur from a low-rank coal

At pH =1, very little separation efficiency almost 26% of sulfur removal, and 16% of ash removal were recorded, then with the increase of pH value with respect to time, its value increases reaches ...

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Complete removal of sulphur from coal using solutions …

This study describes the desulphurization process of coal using an aqueous solution of cupric ions as an oxidant. Complete sulphur removal from coal was …

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Removal of Sulfur and Ash from Coal Using Molten Caustic …

The percentage of demineralization and desulfurization increased with the increase in alkali/coal ratio. The removal of total sulfur and ash increases with increasing leaching temperature and time. As a result of MCL, ash content of Hazro coal was reduced from 18.31 to 6.77 %, and 70% of combustible was recovered.

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