Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Historical Lead Smelting Slag

The harmless treatment of historical lead smelting slag (LSS) is of significance to ecological and environmental protection, but it is still challenging in terms of the economic feasibility of alone processing due to the low content of valuable metals. Here, we performed an industrialized test with a co-treatment of LSS and zinc oxide ore in a …

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Innovative methodology for comprehensive and harmless …

Fig. 10 illustrates the effect of copper slag proportion on the grade and recovery of metals. The proportion of copper slag exhibits a significantly effect on the co-reduction process. ... Melting behavior of siliceous nickel ore in a rotary kiln to produce ferronickel alloys. ISIJ Int., 51 (2011), pp. 35-42. View in Scopus Google Scholar ...

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Leaching of lead and copper from flash smelting slag by citric …

This is 25–30% of copper fed from the concentrate. The high content of copper in the slag results from the significant oxidation of the concentrate components in the furnace reaction shaft. This procedure is necessary to obtain a lead concentration below 0.3% in blister copper. Flash smelting slag also contains lead in an amount of 2.5–4% ...

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Comparison of environmental performance of modern copper …

This fraction is significant because it affects heavily on the copper recovery during the slag cleaning phase. Basically, the fraction of oxide copper is dependent on the amount of sulfur present, which was kept fixed at 0.9%. The higher the oxidation degree and thus the copper content in slag, the higher the oxidized copper content as a ...

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Flash Smelting of Copper

Copper matte and slag melt are separated in the settler. The slag layer is 0.5 m thick, while the copper matte layer is 0.2–1 m thick. Copper matte and slag are discharged intermittently from the furnace. The slag, with a copper content of 1–2%, is cleaned, quenched with water, and then discarded. The copper matte is transferred by …

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Prediction model for the compressive strength of green …

According to Abdulabbas 8, the effect of replacing portions of ordinary Portland cement and sulphate resisting Portland cement in concrete mix using certain percentage of cement kiln dust was ...

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Effect of curing environment on length changes of alkali …

Results showed that 5% copper slag substitution for portland cement gave a similar strength performance as the control mixture, especially at low w/b ratios (0.5 …

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Sustainable and Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag: …

Metal Losses to the Slag in Smelting and Converting. 80% of the copper produced from ores worldwide originates from sulfide ores. The copper concentrate which results from flotation of the ore is typically smelted and converted to blister copper [].During smelting S and Fe are oxidized, where SiO 2 is added to form a liquid ferric or ferrous …

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Negative effect of industrial waste residue additives (IWRA) …

DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2024.130875 Corpus ID: 266828541; Negative effect of industrial waste residue additives (IWRA) on NO reduction by selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) in cement plant: A comparison between copper slag and iron-ore slag

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Direct Reduction Iron Process

As shown in Fig. 2.2, the higher the direct reduction temperature, the smaller ΔG Ө, indicating that the reduction reaction is more likely.Fe 3 O 4 in copper slag can be easily reduced to metallic iron, and Fe 2 SiO 4 can also be reduced to metallic iron when the direct reduction temperature is higher than 1036.7 K. If CaO is added in the direct …

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copper slag effect in kiln – Grinding Mill China

Effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on …. Jun 01, 2006 · The effect of copper slag on the hydration of cement-based materials was investigated by Mobasher et al. [3] … [also known as cement kiln dust … » More detailed! Cost of Steel Slag Processing,Copper Slag Recycling,for Sale …. can copper slag be processed in south …

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Effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on …

Higher copper slag (13.5%) replacement for cement resulted in adverse effects on concrete strength. This is expected since copper slag has a low free lime …

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Thermodynamic Analysis of Copper Smelting, Considering …

The extent of matte entrainment depends on turbulence in the furnace, slag fluidity (viscosity/density), operating temperature [], and surface and interfacial tension of matte and slag, as described by Nakamura et al. [].Bellemans et al. summarize the following reasons for metal entrainment in slag: charging of the furnace, oxygen …

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Sustainable and Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag: A …

This article reviews the production, composition, environmental behavior and treatment options of copper slag, a by-product of copper smelting and converting. It …

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Reuse of copper slag as a supplementary cementitious material

Effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on mechanical properties of concrete. Constr. Build. Mater. (2006) ... Brick kiln co-treatment is a novel industrial hazardous wastes (IHWs) utilization process. However, the effects of chlorine (Cl) in wastes on heavy metals (HMs) during this process are overlooked. ...

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Negative effect of industrial waste residue additives (IWRA) …

Copper slag is an industrial waste discharged in the process of smelting copper. At present, copper is the second largest non-ferrous metal material in the world in terms of annual output and consumption [12], [13]. The global annual output of copper slag reaches as high as 70 million tons [14], but its utilization rate remains very low.

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Effects of fluxing conditions on copper smelting slag …

One of the important aims in slag cleaning process is to decrease the liquidus temperature so that solid phase in the slag can be reduced. It has been shown that oxygen partial …

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Upgrading copper slag cleaning tailings for re-use

A new concept for cleaning copper slag flotation tailings. • Low temperature metallisation of iron volatilises harmful impurities from the slag. • Methane can metallize …

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A Review of Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag of …

The electric furnace method, the vacuum depletion technology, and the electric field enrichment method are all physical ways to separate the copper in the copper slag; they have an effect on the metal droplets only but are not applicable to the copper oxide and copper sulfide in the copper slag.

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Use of Copper Slag and Cement By-Pass Dust as …

Abstract. Copper slag (CS) and cement by-pass dust (CBPD) are by-products of the production of copper and cement, respectively. In the Sultanate of Oman, large quantities of copper slag (60,000 tons/year) and cement by-pass dust (25,000 tons/year) are produced every year, most of which is not effectively utilized and …

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B T Benn PhD Thesis

Cement kiln dust or a combination of limestone and kiln dust had no effect, while fly ash and blast-furnace slag significantly reduced the chloride ingress. ... copper slag, steel slag, fly ash ...

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Effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on …

DOI: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2005.01.020 Corpus ID: 135836021; Effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on mechanical properties of concrete @article{AlJabri2006EffectOC, title={Effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on mechanical properties of concrete}, author={Khalifa S. Al-Jabri and Ramzi A. …

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Buildings | Free Full-Text | Mechanism and …

As curing time increases, new cements such as C-S-H, C-A-H, and C-A-S-H gradually form. By mixing cement kiln ash, copper slag, fly ash, phosphogypsum, and lime, cation exchange can be promoted; …

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Long-term effects of Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) on erosion …

Cement kiln dust (CKD) can be defined as a particulate material consisting of raw material, clinker entrained particles, and some calcined raw materials collected from the exhaust gases of ...

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Ground Improvement Using Industrial Waste Materials

UCS test was done on soil–copper slag–fly ash mix and soil–copper slag–cement kiln dust mixes on 0, 7, 14, 28 days of curing to study strength development which occurs over ages. ... 4.3.1 Effect on Compaction. When cement kiln dust was added to soil–copper slag mix at 4% increments, OMC decreased and MDD increased. …

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Effect of Slag Properties on Copper Loss in Copper Slag

Generally, copper loss in slag includes mechanical entrainment loss and chemical dissolution loss [2–5]. Mechanical entrainment is the copper loss entrained in the slag in …

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Environmental Benefit Assessment of Blended Cement with …

The clinker that formed in the kiln was cooled down using air quenching devices, where additional heat was recovered into the pre-heater and ... Al-Hashmi A., Al-Harthy A. Effect of copper slag and cement by-pass dust addition on mechanical properties of concrete. Constr. Build. Mater. 2006; 20:322–331. doi: …

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Effect of Cement Kiln Dust Substitution on Chemical and …

Many industrial-wastes/clays, such as ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS), fly ash (FA), cement kiln dust (CDK), and metakaolin (MK), are employed in developing geopolymeric materials ...

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EFFECTS OF USING ALCCOFINE AND COPPER SLAG IN CLAYEY SOIL ... In the work RBI grade 81 and Brick kiln dust are added and check the soil's properties by performing various geotechnical tests such ...

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Effect of Copper Slag and Cement By-Pass Dust Addition on …

This research was undertaken to study the effect of copper slag (CS) and cement by-pass dust (CBPD) addition on concrete properties. In addition to the control mixture, two different trial ...

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Sulfurization Roasting of Copper Bottom-Blown Slag for …

Copper slag is a residue from the copper smelting process that not only takes up large amounts of space, but also contains harmful elements that can cause environmental pollution. In this paper, zinc in copper slag is sulfide-roasted using pyrite as a vulcanizing agent and anthracite and K2CO3 as additives, thus leaving zinc in the slag …

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Copper Slag

Copper slag is a by-product of copper smelting that contains valuable elements and can be used as a material resource. Learn about its chemical composition, mineral phases, …

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Use of Copper Slag and Cement By-Pass Dust as

The cement kiln by-pass dust replacement of cement was 0.7% and 1.7%, to satisfy the Cl- ions content in cements: lower than or equal to 0.1%, following the demand of PN-EN 197-1:2012 standard ...

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Materials | Free Full-Text | Environmental Benefit …

This study aimed to investigate the environmental impact of modified granulated copper slag (MGCS) utilization in blended cement production at a representative cement plant in China. Sensitivity …

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The Utilization of Industrial Waste as a Stabilizing Agent—A …

3.2 Copper Slag. Copper slag is an industrial by-product formed during the pyrometallurgical processing of metals from copper concentrates. Approximately 2.2 tons of slag are generated per ton of copper produced. And around 37.8 million tons of CS are produced worldwide each year . In their study, Shahiri and Ghasemi conclude that the …

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Modeling and optimization of rotary kiln treating …

The injection of air into the slag and the temperature profile along the kiln has been modeled. The effect of (CaO+MgO)/SiO2 on the solidus temperature of slag has been modeled also and discussed ...

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