Take a Break to Repair: A Dip in the World of Double-Strand …

In particular, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are extremely toxic for cell survival, that is why cells use specific mechanisms of DNA repair in order to maintain …

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Studying DNA Double-Strand Break Repair: An Ever …

The key first step in HR, determinant for DSB pathway choice, is 5′ to 3′ resection: the processing of the 5′ DNA strand at the DSB by multiple nucleases and accessory proteins, resulting in 3′ single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) (Huertas, 2010; Symington, 2014).

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Double Stranded DNA

Each chromosome is a single, continuous double-stranded DNA molecule (double helix) surrounded by chromosomal proteins (histones and non-histone proteins) that are necessary for normal chromosome structure, function and gene expression. From: Human Growth and Development (Second Edition), 2012.

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Structure and Organization of Virus Genomes

Most of these viral organisms contain either double stranded or single stranded DNA as well as RNA in their genomes, which may be either single stranded or double stranded. After the purification and partial crystallization of Tobacco Mosiac Virus in 1935 by Wendell Stanley, the study of viruses has inspired many scientists, which lead to ...

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Recent insights into eukaryotic double-strand DNA break …

The repair pathway continues by either (i) the double Holliday junction sub-pathway (dHJ) in which the second end is captured and a double Holliday junction is formed and resolved, or by (ii) the synthesis-dependent single-strand annealing sub-pathway (SDSA), in which the invading strand unbinds from the donor through branch …

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DNA double-strand breaks: signaling, repair and …

A variant of HR—the single-strand annealing pathway—takes place when direct repeat sequences flank the two DNA ends, and leads to loss of one of the two direct repeats and the...

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Single-stranded DNA

Which molecule is always single-stranded? RNA is always single-stranded and is often referred to as single-stranded ribonucleic acid. This can be seen in Figure 1 below. However, DNA can be either double-stranded or a single strand of DNA (ssDNA). Figure 1. The comparison between single-stranded RNA and double …

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Difference between ssDNA vs dsDNA (Table)

Learn the chemical composition, structure, and properties of single stranded DNA (ssDNA) and double stranded DNA (dsDNA). …

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The Structure and Function of DNA

The observation that DNA was double-stranded was of crucial significance and provided one of the major clues that led to the Watson-Crick structure of DNA. Only when this model was proposed did DNA's potential for replication and information encoding become apparent. ... the sugar is deoxyribose attached to a single phosphate group (hence the ...

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Difference between Single-Strand Break and Double-Strand …

Single-Strand Break. DNA (dsDNA) is a double-stranded helical structure. Any damage or break at one of the strands is termed a single-strand break. Here, the nucleotide sequence of only one strand is altered. It breaks the whole sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA. This type of DNA damage is the most common one.

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Positional stability of single double-strand breaks in

Lisby, M., Mortensen, U. H. & Rothstein, R. Colocalization of multiple DNA double-strand breaks at a single Rad52 repair centre. Nature Cell Biol. 5, 572–577 (2003). Article CAS Google Scholar

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A general solution for opening double-stranded DNA for …

The strategy employs recombination protein from E. coli (RecA) to form nucleoprotein complex with single-stranded DNA, which could scan double-stranded template for homologous sites. Then, the ...

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9.10A: Double-Stranded RNA Viruses

In a double stranded RNA form, retroviruses infect a host cell with their genome, and then are reverse transcribed into double stranded DNA, with the DNA then integrated into the home cell genome. When integrated into a host genome, a retrovirus is hard to detect and can lay dormant for prolonged periods, having no discernible effect …

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Twice the Fun with Double-Stranding

Left: DK-weight single-strand; Right: the same DK-weight but double-stranded with lace-weight mohair. ... For example, when you double-strand two sport-weight strands together you get a fabric and gauge in the worsted-weight realm. When you double-strand for this purpose, you can also use different color strands to create a …

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Why is DNA double stranded and RNA single …

Why is RNA single stranded (and not double stranded like DNA)? dsRNA is less stable than dsDNA. See this: #Structure. An important structural …

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7.1: DNA Structure

It is important to understand though, that under the appropriate conditions, DNA could be made single-stranded, and RNA can be double-stranded. In fact, the molecules are so similar that it is even possible to create double-stranded hybrid molecules with one strand of DNA and one of RNA. Interestingly, RNA-RNA double …

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Single Stranded DNA

SINGLE-STRANDED VS DOUBLE-STRANDED DNA. Many viruses contain single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genomes. A simple way to determine strandedness is to digest the DNA with S1 nuclease (0.2 units of enzyme at 37°C for 30 minutes) and analyze the digestion products by agarose gel electrophoresis. At low enzyme concentrations, S1 …

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Double Stranded DNA

Learn about the structure, function and applications of double stranded DNA (dsDNA), a molecule that carries genetic information and regulates gene expression. Explore topics …

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Base excision repair and double strand break repair …

DNA damage is observed in the brain. Here the authors show that high base excision repair (BER) and low double strand break repair (DSBR) in neurons facilitate reversible single strand break to ...

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Single-molecule force spectroscopy of toehold-mediated strand …

This study uses single molecule mechanical experiments and computer simulations to measure the speed by which an invading DNA or RNA strand displaces a bound strand from a double helix.

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Double-Stranded DNA

Double stranded DNA is composed of two complementary DNA strands that associate through hydrogen bonding between the bases according to Watson–Crick base-pairing rules. ... More information about single-stranded or double-stranded DNA adsorption and self-assembly at interfaces can be found in a dedicated review article [98].

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Single- and double-strand photocleavage of DNA by YO, …

No direct double-strand breaks (dsb) are detected with YO or YOYO, but in both cases single-strand breaks (ssb) are observed to accumulate to eventually produce double-strand cleavage. With intercalated YO the accumulation occurs in a manner consistent with random generation of strand lesions, while with bisintercalated YOYO …

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Multiplex target capture with double-stranded …

Target enrichment technologies utilize single-stranded oligonucleotide probes to capture candidate genomic regions from a DNA sample before sequencing. We describe target capture using double …

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Conservative repair of a chromosomal double-strand break by single

The repair of chromosomal double-strand breaks (DSBs) is essential to normal cell growth, and homologous recombination is a universal process for DSB repair. We explored DSB repair mechanisms in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using single-strand oligonucleotides with homology to both sides of a …

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9.1 The Structure of DNA

In its natural state, each DNA molecule is actually composed of two single strands held together along their length with hydrogen bonds between the bases. Watson and Crick …

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Double-Stranded Crochet Blanket Free Pattern

So we're sharing a single double double-stranded crochet blanket free pattern for you to work on this week as extra credit. It will help you practice your basic crochet skills, build your muscle memory, and …

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Presence of double-strand breaks with single-base 3' …

Both types of fragment could be ligated to apoptotic nuclei in thymus, indicating the presence in such nuclei of DNA double-strand breaks with single-base 3' overhangs as well as blunt ends. However, in nuclei with DNA damage resulting from a variety of nonapoptotic processes (necrosis, in vitro autolysis, peroxide damage, and heating) …

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Mechanisms and Consequences of Double-strand DNA Break Formation in Chromatin

  • Biology LibreTextshttps://bio.libretexts/Bookshelves/Introductory...

    9.1: The Structure of DNA

    WEBLearn how DNA is a double helix of nucleotides with complementary base pairs, and how RNA is a single strand of nucleotides with ribose sugar. See the …

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  • Single- and Double-Strand Breaks of Dry DNA Exposed to …

    A quantitative analysis of radio-induced DNA damage is reported here in terms of single- and double-strand breaks (SSB and DSB, respectively). The corresponding yields as well as G-values and the cross sections exhibit fairly good agreement with the rare available data, stemming from close experimental conditions, …

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    CRISPR-induced double-strand breaks trigger …

    The resulting DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired either by the error-prone nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) or homology-directed repair . For refined and precise genome editing purposes, homology-directed repair is harnessed to copy a specific DNA template (single-stranded or double-stranded) into the target site (2, 9, …

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    DNA double-strand break repair-pathway choice in somatic …

    The major pathways of DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair are crucial for maintaining genomic stability. However, if deployed in an inappropriate cellular context, these same repair functions can ...

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