CAR-Series Mechanical Sand Reclamation System

While inexpensive, the CAR still delivers performance. This unit is ideal for small or infrequent reclaimed sand users. Capacities from 1 to 5 tons per hour. General. The CAR-Series Mechanical Sand Reclamation System is designed as a complete no-bake sand reclamation system for the cost conscious or low sand volume user.

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Influence of Weather Conditions and Mechanical …

Figure 20 presents the results of tensile strength tests of the molding sand made on the basis of sand matrix, prepared with fresh sand and recovered mechanical reclaim in various proportions. Based on the results obtained, it was found that the addition of 25% and 50% did not worsen the tensile strength of the sand, but actually improved it.

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Thermal Sand Reclamation | Harrison Castings Ltd

As part of this commitment, since 1996 we have employed a thermal sand reclamation plant. Benefits of Thermal Reclamation of Foundry Sand. Coupled with mechanical reclamation plants, the thermal sand reclamation plant allows us to recover up to 80% of the sand used within the foundry for the production of aluminium castings which is then …

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Mechanical and thermal methods for reclamation of waste …

Mechanically reclaimed sand was found to be superior in terms of sand reusability and casting quality. Abstract. Binder material (e.g. bentonite, polymeric …

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Effect of Reclaim Addition on the Mechanical and …

DOI: 10.24425/amm.2020.133709 Corpus ID: 223125975; Effect of Reclaim Addition on the Mechanical and Technological Properties of Moulding Sands Based on Pro-Ecological Furfuryl Resin

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Sand Reclaimers | Del Sol Industrial Services, Inc.

Mechanical Reclamation Systems. Del Sol can custom design a complete foundry sand reclamation system for you. We can include shakeout decks, attrition mills, magnetic …

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Simpson Pro-Claim® Continuous Sand Reclaimer

Pneumatically Reclaim Sand For As Low As $1 A Ton. Foundries all over the world are using the Simpson Pro-Claim® to inexpensively reclaim large volumes of chemically bonded and green sand for reuse in molding systems resulting in significant savings in raw material and disposal costs as well as increasing casting quality. This is the most ...

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Others will only thermally reclaim a portion of their sand and will then blend it into the system in order to control their LOI readings. This choice will also affect the total lists of equipment components to included in a typical system, and will affect exactly where the sand stream exits the mechanical reclaimer and enters the thermal ...

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TSR-Series Thermal Sand Reclaimer

Precisely heated sand falls into a rotating cooler with ambient air flow that cools the sand to within 30° F of ambient while removing a controlled amount of fines. Larger output and gas fired units available soon.

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Physical and chemical characteristics of after-reclamation dust …

The paper presents the results of investigations of physical and chemical properties of after reclamation dust that is generated in the foundry industry. Universally applied mechanical reclamation processes of spent moulding sands generate large amounts of after-reclamation dusts containing mainly rubbed spent binding agents and …

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Considerations for Reclaiming Chemically Bonded Sand

• Blending: Reclaimed sand (mechanical and thermal) needs to be returned to the system in a controlled manner to eliminate variables, but at acceptable LOI levels. …

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Effect of reclaimed sand additions on mechanical properties …

In this work, the effects of reclaimed sand additions on the microstructure characteristics, mechanical properties and fracture behavior of furan no-bake resin sand have been investigated systematically within the temperature range from 25 to 600 ºC. The addition of 20%- reclaimed sand showed dramatic strength deterioration effect at …

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Reclamation of Used Molding Sands

For the molding sand difficult to reclaim- the possibility to increase the intensity of reclamation by 3° of change in the vibration frequency and 3° of change in the value of the driving force was used. ... The aim of the experiment was to compare the effects of mechanical recovery and cryogenic-mechanical spent sands from different ...

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Vacuum Media Reclaim Systems

An economical alternative to mechanical recovery systems, Titan's Vacuum Reclaim Systems are easy to install and do not require any concrete work. The media is swept or shoveled into a floor trough, typically placed at the rear of the blast room, then vacuumed up, cleaned and returned to the blast pot.

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Sand Reclamation System

Vibraclaim series silicate co2 reclaim system is developed for re use the sand and cut down new sand cost. JKFE range of mechanical attrition units are available with inbuilt sand classifier for small units 3 - 6 TPH units. for bigger unit sand classifier is a separate module integrated with sand cooler

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Trendsetting: Reclamation of used sand secures the future of …

Mechanical sand reclamation. The mechanical reclamation processes can be divided into various subgroups. The reclamation of used sand must always be regarded as an interlinked overall process. ... Use of the reclaim: Use in the core shop as a proportional substitute of new sand. Target reclaim rate 50% to 75% (optional, temporarily up to …

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Reclamation of used sands in foundry production

good quality reclaim. Four used sands were tested: 1. Used self-hardened sand with water glass hardened by. ... This paper studies thermal and mechanical sand reclamation system. It emphasizes the ...

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Media Reclaim System

Mechanical reclaim systems like this one are most commonly used with steel grit/shot or aluminum oxide as these media are quite heavy and difficult to reclaim through vacuum systems, or applications requiring high production rates. Figure 2: Media Reclaim System: auger and pit How a mechanical reclaim system works – simplified

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Cost-effective Sand Reclamation Solution for Foundries

Foundries all over the world are using the Simpson Pro-Claim® to inexpensively reclaim large volumes of chemically bonded and green sand for reuse in molding systems …

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(PDF) Assessment of sand reclamation techniques and sand quality …

Mechanical reclamation is the de facto method of sand recycling used in most foundries to limit sand dumping and adhere to environmental regulations.

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Thermal Sand Reclamation for all Foundries

Firstly, the sand from the mechanical reclamation plant will pass through a cleaning tower which basically removes any metallic particles prior to entry into the furnace. The furnace itself is a fluidised bed design with a gas and air mixture providing the fluidising medium and igniting on the sand bed surface via pilot gas nozzles.

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Mechanical Reclamation Treatment of Used Silica Foundry Sand …

The thermal sand reclamation system is developed comprising of sub units like fluidised bed combustor and fluidised bed sand cooler for 20 kg sand capacity and tested for chemically bonded sand ...

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Modern Sand Reclamation Technologies for Economy, …

Attrition Reclamation and (2) Thermal Sand Reclamation. In Mechanical Attrition Reclamation, rubbing of sand grains against each other takes place by mechanical means like vibration, fluidisation etc. All the binder coatings cannot be removed by this process. As a result, about 10 to 20% fresh sand needs to be added with the

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'Freezing–mechanical' reclamation of used sodium silicate sands

It is shown that 'freezing-mechanical' reclamation can be more effective than dry mechanical reclamation of used sands. The mechanical properties of remnant binder were found to change under ...

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Arch. Metall. Mater. 63 (2018), 4, 1843-1846

Keywords: loose self-hardening sands, furfuryl resin, mechanical reclamation ... sand mixtures with the addition of the tested reclaim (sand mixtures 2-7). As a reference material, the sand ...

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Advances in Sand Reclamation

Sand reclamation involves physical, chemical, or thermal treatment of sand for reuse in molding and coremaking. There are two major types of systems, …

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(PDF) Influence of the reclaim addition into the matrix on …

Moulding sands were produced on the „Szczakowa" sand (of the Sibelco Company) as the matrix of the main fraction FG 0,40/0,32/0,20, while the reclaim was added to it in amounts of 20, 50 and 70%.

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Mechanical Reclamation of Spent Moulding Sand on Chromite Sand …

Keywords: foundry engineering, mechanical reclaim, chromite sand, moulding sand properties, scanning electron microscopy, thermal analysis. 1. Introduction ... The reclamation time of spent moulding sand by the mechanical method in a device of a certain intensity is only effective to a limited extent. This is due to the irregular surface of …

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Chapter 4 Reclamation of Used Molding Sands

pneumatic reclaimer, which is used to reclaim the molding sands matrix that are harder to reclaim, and the thermal regenerator, used in the case of the reclamation of molding sands with organic binders, where the effect of the removal of the binding material from the grains is up to 100 %. It also presents methods for combined

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Reclaim Systems Recover Blast Media (and Dollars)

Auger within a mechanical reclaim system. The auger will push the blast media into the hopper to be fed back into the blast machine. If the blast room is especially large, augers can be added to the equation. The most common addition is a cross auger, installed across the back of the room. This allows employees to simply push (or even …

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New Directions in Recycling Foundry Sand

Compared to mechanical sand reclamation processes, the FSP process is claimed to be gentler to the material. Binders are removed without damaging the grains, and the process is practically dust-free. The fine-grain fraction of the reclaimed sand is less than 0.3% percent, according to FSP, meaning there will be no additional costs for dumping ...

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Abrasive Media Reclaim Systems | Floor Reclaim & Media …

Single Screw Partial Reclaim Floor. A single screw partial reclaim system is the most economical floor design available. The system contains the major components found in abrasive media reclaim systems including metering shed plates, heavy-duty screw, belt and bucket elevator, air wash separator, perforated plate rotary scalping drum separator and …

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Effect of Mechanical Reclamation Cycle on Strength …

The obtained reclaim was used as a component of the matrix of moulding sands with water-glass in the Floster S technology, in which the reclaim constituted , 80% and 50% of the sand matrix ...

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Blast Rooms

10'x10'x15' Blast Room Package: Mechanical Reclaim System. $135,590. Finance now. Payments $2,632 per month. 15'x10'x25' Blast Room Package: Vacuum Reclaim System. $162,480. Finance now. Payments …

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Using Microwaves to Reclaim Foundry Sand | EC&S, Inc.

Using Microwave technology, we can currently reclaim of Ceramic sand! Microwave use in the industry in not new, but the viable solution to reclaiming Ceramic Sand, as well as green and chemically bonded sand, while keeping your cost down, is VERY real! Microwave technology is safe, energy efficient and utilizes space …

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Sand Reclamation Systems

Sand Reclamation System Features: After reclamation, sand surface area is rounded, requiring less chemical binder to achieve equal or greater tensile strengths when re-used. Ceramic lined chamber and ceramic …

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