Study of the life cycle impact of limestone quarrying …

way for the four other quarries, the results of the comparison of the environmental impact studies of the five limestone quarries are explained in section 4.The first quarry visited quarry (Q1) is ...

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(PDF) Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Limestone Quarrying

Normalized environmental impacts of 1 ton crushed limestone rock product ion (LCIA: IMPACT 2002+). The results of the current analysis are consistent with previous resear ch. For instance, sev eral

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Limestone Quarrying and Processing: A Life-Cycle …

2 limestone quarrying and processing operations 1 1 2 3 2.1 limestone 2.2 limestone quarrying operations 2.3 limestone processing operations 3 lci methodology 4 43.1 4 lci data collection 3.2 quality of lci data set 3.3 lci boundaries 4 3.3.1 limestone quarry operations 4 3.3.2 limestone processing operations 5 4 lci results 5 references 23

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Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Limestone Quarrying …

Environmental impacts of the mineral extraction have been a public concern. Presently, there is widespread global interest in the area of mining and its sustainability that focused on the need to shift mining industry to a more sustainable framework. The aim of this study was to systematically assess all possible environmental and climate change related …

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A case study of the life cycle impact of limestone quarrying …

In this paper, a life cycle assessment (LCA) model from 'cradle-to-gate' of one ton of aggregate was achieved to evaluate the environmental impact of limestone quarrying, by counting material and energy flows throughout the extraction and processing of limestone. Life cycle analysis was accomplished using SimaPro 8.5 software and …

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A case study of the life cycle impact of limestone quarrying …

In this paper, a life cycle assessment (LCA) model from 'cradle-to-gate' of one ton of aggregate was achieved to evaluate the environmental impact of limestone …

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Environmental and Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Stone Quarrying

RESULTS Environmental Impact Assessment of Stone Quarrying in Tororo District Our study revealed that stone quarrying in Tororo district has caused both costs and benefits, but on a balance, the environmental impacts/costs outweighed the benefits. These were summarized in Table 1 and displayed visually in Figure 2.

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Impacts of Mining and Quarrying Activities in the Himalayas: …

The impacts of natural disaster can be significant beyond the geographical boundary of a country. The developmental activity in one country could impact its neighbouring country (Deka, 2021) so it is important to consider the broader or downstream area while studying the environmental impact assessment.

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Environmental and Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Stone Quarrying

The study aimed at assessing the environmental and socio-economic impact of stone quarrying in Tororo district. To achieve this, we used questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussions ...

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Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of hard rock quarrying …

The increase in demand of building stones and construction-grade sand has resulted in aggressive hard rock quarrying in many parts of the world. The problems are to be evaluated in detail for the judicious use of resources on the one hand and ensuring health of the ecosystems on the other. The present study aims to evaluate the impact of …

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Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Limestone Quarrying …

Environmental impacts of the mineral extraction have been a public concern. Presently, there is widespread global interest in the area of mining and its sustainability that focused on the need to shift mining industry to a more sustainable framework. The aim of this study was to systematically assess all possible …

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[PDF] Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Limestone Quarrying

Abstract Environmental impacts of the mineral extraction have been a public concern. Presently, there is widespread global interest in the area of mining and its sustainability that focused on the need to shift mining industry to a more sustainable framework. The aim of this study was to systematically assess all possible …

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Environmental impact assessment of limestone quarry using …

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Environmental Impact Assessment of Quarries and …

This study aims to determine the environmental effects of the quarries and crushers in the Al-Abiad village in the Sultanate of Oman, through: studying the natural …

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Health impact assessment of quarrying in some parts of …

Quarrying of rocks and minerals has contributed to the economic development of many nations. However, dusts generated from these quarries have caused environmental and health challenges. Health risk assessment of the environments around quarries in southwestern Nigeria was, therefore, carried out to delineate the effects of …

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Environmental impacts of stone quarrying in Tororo district

The study aimed at assessing the environmental and socio-economic impact of stone quarrying in Tororo district. To achieve this, we used questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussions ...

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The role of environmental factors in industrial site …

Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal June 2005 1461-5517/05/020147-8 US$08.00 IAIA 2005 147 Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, volume 23, number 2, June 2005, pages 147–154, Beech Tree Publishing, 10 Watford Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2EP, UK Practice report The role of environmental factors in industrial

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[PDF] Assessing the Impact of Quarrying as an Environmental …

In this study, we investigated the impact of quarrying as an environmental ethical crisis. The need for the study arose when we realised the deteriorating effect of the quality of life in our community, which is located next to a limestone quarry. To obtain a deeper understanding of the adverse impact on the environment and the quality of life …

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Environmental Hazards of Limestone Mining and Adaptive …

Geomin Consultants P Ltd. (2009) Environmental impact assessment and environmental management plan for Lumshong Limestone Mines Lumshong, Jaintia Hills District Meghalaya. Geomin Consultants (P) Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Google Scholar Gunn J, Bailey D (1993) Limestone quarrying and quarry reclamation in Britain. Environ Geol …

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Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Limestone …

A final point should be noted that data uncertainties in environmental assessment over the complete life cycle of limestone quarrying operation have to be carefully considered. Keywords – Climate change; carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions; environmental impacts; GHG protocol; IMPACT 2002+; limestone mining; life cycle impact assessment (LCA) 1.

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Environmental Impact Assessment of Quarries and Stone …

35 Tahseen Sayara: Environmental Impact Assessment of Quarries and Stone Cutting Industries in Palestine: Case Study of Jammain Furthermore, these operations disrupt the existing movement of surface water and groundwater; they interrupt natural water recharge and can lead to reduced quantity and quality of drinking water for residents and ...

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10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Quarrying Limestone

Quarrying limestone is the process of removing this material from the ground. As with any quarrying process, there are certain pros and cons that must be evaluated. ... It is also easily accessible near the surface, which makes it possible for most quarries to have a minimal impact on the surrounding environment. At the same time, …

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Environmental impact assessment of stone quarrying in …

The study aimed at assessing the environmental and socio-economic impact of stone quarrying in Tororo district. To achieve this, we used questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussions ...

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A review on environmental impact assessment of limestone …

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a superior tool use for assessing environmental changes in the opencast limestone mining region. In mining …

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Environmental Impact Assessment of Limestone Quarrying …

In the UK, an Environmental Impact Assessment of limestone quarrying is required when the quarrying activity meets certain thresholds and is covered by the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. The regulations set out a series of criteria that determine whether an EIA is required, based on factors …

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A Guide To The Visual Screening Of Quarries

This is a technique developed to deal with visually intrusive limestone and chalk excavations. One method used in limestone quarries has been restoration blasting, where the technique seeks to form a scree and headwall-type landform found in limestone dales in central England. A similar principle can be applied to other screening landforms.

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Environmental impact of quarrying on air quality in Ebonyi …

The insatiable demand for rock supplies has enticed numerous building and construction enterprises to participate in stone quarrying. However, this has had an environmental impact on air quality. This paper examines the environmental impact of quarrying on air quality in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. To achieve the main aim of the study, …

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Critical assessment of the effectiveness of different dust …

The exposure to respirable crystalline silica found in granite dust presents significant health hazards to quarry workers and nearby communities, including silicosis and various respiratory ailments. This study evaluates the efficacy of various pollution control measures implemented in granite quarries. It aimed to provide a comprehensive …

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Health impact assessment of quarrying in some parts …

Health risk assessment of the environments around quarries in southwestern Nigeria was, therefore, carried out to delineate the effects of quarrying on the environment. Twenty four (24) samples of soil-dust around the quarries were collected within and outside 12 rock aggregates and limestone quarries in

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East African Journal of Environment and Natural …

Environmental and Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Stone Quarrying in Tororo District, Eastern Uganda. Remigio Turyahabwe 1, Joyfred Asaba 2 Andrew Mulabbi 2*, & Christopher Osuna 1

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Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Limestone …

Environmental and Climate Technologies _____ 2017 / 20 68 urgent. On the global scale, in 2010, industrial sector accounted for approximately 21 % of total

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[PDF] Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Limestone …

The aim of this study was to systematically assess all possible environmental and climate change related impacts of the limestone quarrying …

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Environmental impact assessment of limestone quarry …

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a prominent technology to assess the environmental changes in the open cast Limestone mining region. However, traditional EIA methods and Limestone deposit identification involves time consuming, cost effective and manpower requirements. We cope-up these problem and incorporated with …

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Mining & Quarries | Environmental Projects | Oman

See a list of our Mining Projects: EIAs, audit and monitoring of quarries, mines and mineral extraction projects & consulting on mine remediation.

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A case study of the life cycle impact of limestone …

436 S. Bendouma et al. Table 1 Inventory analysis for one ton of aggregate produced in the visited quarries Input from technoshpere Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Electricity kWh 0.97 1.62 1.39 0.84 0.80 Diesel L ...

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Mitigation of environmental impacts in ornamental rock …

systematic methodology for impact assessment and mitigation. The environmental assessment is a well-established instrument that accompanies mining development, ensuring that it is sustainable and inclusive. At the international level, environmental assessment regulation is under theEspoo Convention, (1991), and it's Protocol on …

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(PDF) Environmental impact assessment of quarries and …

The objective of this study is to use GIS and Remote Sensing as spatial decision support to monitor and evaluate environmental impacts of quarries and …

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