A Sub-Level Caving Algorithm for Large-Scale, Small-Strain …

Janelid I (1972), Study of the gravity flow process in sub-level caving. In: International Sub-level Caving Symposium, Stockholm, September. Peele R (1918) Mining engineers' handbook. Wiley, New York. Google Scholar Sainsbury B (2010) Sensitivities in the numerical assessment of cave propagation in Caving 2010.

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Study of the Influence of Block Caving Underground Mining on …

Block caving mining method is one of the most viable and preferred mass underground mining methods for low grade orebody. However, in combined surface and underground mining, the breakthrough of an underground caving under an open pit may result in subsidence at the bottom of the pit. This can pose a serious threat for the …

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Sublevel Caving Method with Sill Pillar | SpringerLink

Learn about the mining process of dividing a level into sublevels and using a bottom structure for ore removal. Find out the advantages, disadvantages, and applications of this method in China and other countries.

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The future of sublevel caving is being assessed

Large-scale sublevel caving, which is employed in both the Kiruna and Malmberget mines, is a resource-efficient and cost-effective method for large-scale …

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Energies | Free Full-Text | Block Caving Mining Method: …

Important issue: According to UBC approach six alternatives – Block Caving, Cut-and-Fill Stoping, Sub-level Caving, Sub-level Stoping, Square Set Stoping, and Top Slicing have been considered as technically feasible alternatives. Results shows that cutand-fill stoping method is the optimal mining method for deep excavation mining levels. 2).

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Sub-level caving: engineered to perform

Sub-level caving is a highly efficient, top-down, underground bulk mining method. Recent developments in sub-level cave mining have advanced the …

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sub-level caving Archives

The Massmin 2020 crowd got a glimpse of just what will be required to build Colombia's first underground caving mine during a presentation from AngloGold Ashanti's Lammie Nienaber this week.. Nienaber, Manager of Geotechnical Engineering for the miner and the presenter of the 'Building Colombia's first caving mine' paper authored by himself, …

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Design & Operating Principles in Caving Methods

Learn about the design and operating principles of sublevel caving (SLC), a mining method for low grade near-vertical deposits. See examples, diagrams, and videos of …

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Sublevel caving | Britannica

Other articles where sublevel caving is discussed: mining: Sublevel caving: This method owes the first part of its name to the fact that work is carried out on many intermediate levels (that is, sublevels) between the main levels. The second half of the name derives from the caving of the hanging wall and…

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Orebody cavability prediction challenges in block caving mining …

A traditional block caving mine considers the development of an undercut level that allows blocky or veined rock masses to fracture, fail, and unravel when the undercut area is large enough. Once caving initiates, the rock mass progressively fails when induced stresses overcome the rock mass strength and when fractured rock …

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An overview of block caving operation and available methods …

Block caving is a mining method that can achieve high extraction rates and low operational costs. Ore grade can be low to moderate and the deposits can be fairly steep (Pourrahimian and Askari ...

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Understanding Underground Mining Methods

What is Sub-Level Caving? Sub-level caving is an underground mining method used to extract large volumes of ore from bodies that are steeply dipping or vertical. It is a productive and cost-effective mining method preferred for relatively low-cost, low-grade and large mineral deposits.

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Draw control strategies in sublevel caving mines

Sarin, D.K. 1981. A review of sub-level caving practices in Canada. Proceedings of the International Conference on Caving and Sublevel Stoping, Design and Operation of Caving and Sublevel Stoping Mines, Denver, Colorado, 8 July 1981. Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers. pp. 373 ...

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Block caving: A new mining method arises | Geoengineer

The cost of block cave mining is about 1/10 of the correspondent cost of conventional methods. The production rates can reach 30,000 to 100,000 tons per day. Moreover, drilling and blasting costs are far less, and there are no backfilling costs. Another benefit of block caving is the large reduction in surface waste disposal needs.

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Sublevel caving method layout [1].

Sub-level caving exploits a true caving technique, and its principle is based on the utilisation of the gravity flow of the blasted ore and caved waste rock, [1][2][3][4] [5] [6] and the fractured ...

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Types of Underground Mining Method Comparison

Block Caving. Block caving is an extreme case of sublevel caving in which instead of a back of ore 5 to 10 ft. thick, one 50 ft. thick is undermined and allowed to cave. The method is illustrated in Fig. 7.

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Sub-Level Caving | Sublevel Caving Mining Experts …

Sub-Level, Block And Panel Caving . AMC's 150 world-leading mining consultants include 70 mining engineers and 20 geotechnical …

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Parameters influencing full scale sublevel caving material …

A transverse SLC mining method was adopted for the deposit, with mining beginning at the 5330 level (approximately 580 m below surface; surface 5910 level) and advancing sequentially to depth. Sublevel spacing is 25 m between the 5330 level and 5130 level, and 30 m between the 5130 level and 5040 level.

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Trends in underground mining for gold and base …

Regional trends. Latin America provides the largest run of mine by volume among commodities considered, followed by Oceania. Africa and North America rank highest in terms of operating …

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Design of a new layout for sublevel caving at depth

One of the key factors affecting the mining costs in sublevel caving is the amount of development work for production. This cost is very dependent of the sublevel height. As the sublevel height increases, the amount ... The deepest mining level at Kiruna mine today corresponds to about 1,080 m below ground. Malmberget

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Lost-ore mining—A supplementary mining method to sublevel caving

Here extraction ratio R e is defined as (1) R e = W e W p where W e is the total weight of extracted materials including ore and waste rock and W p is total weight of materials planned to mine out from a ring (or an ore body or a mine). Table 1 shows that the number of last rings using lost-ore mining method from different production levels of two …

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Evaluation of the use of sublevel open stoping in the mining …

In the drift-and-fill method (see Fig. 1), the volume of backfills with 20%, 10%, and 0% cement content account for 16.7%, 41.65%, and 41.65% of the total backfill volume, respectively.It is estimated that the total mine fill cost is about 8.93 $/m 3, and from this total amount, 16.5% is the fill cost with 20% cement content.. The 10% and 20% cement …

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(PDF) Topic 7: Underground Mining Methods Longwall Sublevel Caving

Outline of Topic 7: Longwall Longwall in coal Longwall in Hard Rock Sublevel Caving Characteristics of the ore body and mining method Development Production Equipments Used Block Caving Introduction Historical evolution of the method Condition deposit Principles of the method Methodology of block caving Basic issues of geomechanical to …

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Sublevel Caving Production Scheduling | Encyclopedia MDPI

Underground mining methods such as sublevel caving (SLC), which can be applied in the hard rock mass, have become more popular because of their high potential production …

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Energies | Free Full-Text | Block Caving Mining Method: …

The block caving mining method has become increasingly popular in the last two decades. Meanwhile, Indonesia has several potential ore bodies which have not yet determined suitable mining methods. The references to block caving mining projects worldwide and the potency of metal deposits in Indonesia were reviewed to determine …

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Major Mines & Projects | Carrapateena Mine

The Carrapateena Project is owned by OZ Minerals Limited through its wholly-owned subsidiaries. On May 2, 2023, BHP announced the completion of the OZ Minerals acquisition and implementation of the scheme of arrangement for BHP Lonsdale Investments Pty Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of BHP Group Limited, to acquire …

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Compare Stoping Methods of Mining

Block caving requires a large amount of preparatory work, and before actual extraction of caved ore begins, considerable capital must be expended for this purpose. Thus, the estimated cost of preparatory work for a block containing 120,000 tons of ore at the Morenci Branch, Phelps Dodge Corporation, was $36,420.

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De Beers' Venetia underground project: A true South …

The K01 ore body will be mined by means of a sub-level caving mining method, with K01 producing 4 Mtpa (average of 3.5 million carats per annum). The K02 ore body will be mined by means of a modified sub-level caving mining method producing 1.9 Mtpa (average of 0.9 million carats per annum).

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Improvement of sub-level caving mining methods during …

To improve of the sub-level caving mining methods during mining of deposits of high-grade iron ores by applying a rational mode and intensifying the ore drawing. Methodology.

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Production Scheduling in Sublevel Caving Method with the

Caving methods compared with other underground mining methods are low-cost methods and have high production rates. Sublevel caving is one of the main …

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A global review of recovery, dilution and draw control in …

sublevel caving mines AD Campbell Beck Engineering Pty Ltd, Australia Abstract Sublevel caving (SLC) has previously been regarded as a high dilution and low recovery mining method requiring specific orebody geometry and rock mass conditions to be successful. Progress in the past 20 years at numerous operations has broken this misconception.

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A New Mathematical Model for Production Scheduling …

operating costs. Sub-level caving is one of the methods with a high production rate applied for hard rock mining, and there are limited studies ... Sub-level caving mining cycle [13]. In the manual design methods, according to the ... of the existing equipment and the production commitment. That is why, in the previous studies, ...

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What every Mining Professional needs to know about Block Caving

• Lowest mining cost per ton: Block cave mining operating costs are a fraction in comparison with any other underground mining method. • Flexible production rate from cave mining methods: Block cave mining is driven by economies of scale, where production rates can reach up to 100 kilotonnes per day; however, there are smaller …

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Sublevel Caving Method Without Sill Pillar | SpringerLink

Then stopping proceeds with step-by-step blasting method. A caving overlying rock layer equal to 1.5–2 times the sublevel height must be maintained in the …

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Application of RFPA2D in Sublevel Caving Mining

It's also proved that application of RFPA2D in sub-level caving mining can do great help to study the nature of top coal's displacement, fragmentation and failure process of extra-thick coal seams. ... Key technologies and equipment for a fully mechanized top-coal caving operation with a large mining height at ultra-thick coal …

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Block caving: A new mining method arises

The cost of block cave mining is about 1/10 of the correspondent cost of conventional methods. The production rates can reach 30,000 to 100,000 tons per day. Moreover, drilling and blasting …

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Design of a new layout for sublevel caving at depth

One of the key factors affecting the mining costs in sublevel caving is the amount of development work for production. This cost is very dependent of the sublevel height. …

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Sublevel Shrinkage (SLSh) Mining—A State-of-the-art Review

Sublevel shrinkage (SLSh) is an underground mining method similar to sublevel caving (SLC) but with continuous backfilling from the top. It features a top-down mining sequence with production drifts orientated in a longitudinal or transverse way in the orebody. Fan drilling and blasting is done from the production drifts, from where the ore …

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