Sustainable Mining and Processing of Mineral Resources

In this context, this Special Issue entitled "Sustainable mining and processing of mineral resources" aims at contributing to the existing literature with papers related to the definition of the conceptual framework for sustainable mineral extraction and processing, the demonstration of successful practices for sustainable mine planning ...

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What Is Sustainable Mining? | Bravus Mining

Sustainable mining is when we conduct essential resource extraction while improving social, economic and environmental outcomes. Australia is a world leader in sustainable mining, and we at …

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Tailings Management

For over 20 years, the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) has led the way in responsible tailings management. Tailings management has been a significant focus of MAC's work, particularly through its Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) program.. Tailings are a by-product of mining, consisting of the processed rock or soil left over from the separation …

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Managing Mining for Sustainable Development

Learn how to manage mining towards sustainable development by incorporating social and environmental sustainability considerations in policies and legal …

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Towards Sustainable Mining

The Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative allows mining companies to turn high-level environmental and social commitments into action on the ground. At the same time, it provides communities with valuable information on how operations are faring in important areas, such as community outreach, tailings management and biodiversity.

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Sustainability – What Is It? Definition, Principles and Examples

There is no universally agreed definition of sustainability. In fact, there are many different viewpoints on this concept and on how it can be achieved. ... Nonetheless, these devices are made of Earth minerals extracted by the mining industry. Mining can be a very polluting industry and the development of new sites certainly has an impact on ...

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Sustainable Definition & Meaning

The meaning of SUSTAINABLE is capable of being sustained. How to use sustainable in a sentence.

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Establishing a sustainable mining operation: an overview

The authors also offer a definition of sustainability in the context of mining, indicating that "mining is sustainable when it is conducted in a manner that balances economic, environmental and social considerations, often referred to as the 'triple bottom-line", and that "sustainable mining practices are those that promote this balance ...

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Sustainable Mining

For sustainable mining companies, optimising environmental performance and social impact isn't just about ethics or regulatory compliance, it is also good business practice. ... While many investors now consider the impact of environmental and social issues in a broader definition of an investment return, the understanding that companies that ...

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India's Mining Sector: Towards a Sustainable and Equitable …

Mining is an important activity for India. With 3527 mining leases for 40 major minerals, extending a total lease area of roughly 315,986 hectares, India is a major producer of crucial minerals. The mineral resource sector has the potential to impact environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and economic development.

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Climate-Smart Mining: Minerals for Climate Action …

Climate-Smart Mining supports the sustainable extraction and processing of minerals and metals, while minimizing the social, environmental, and climate footprint.

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Mining and sustainability: asking the right questions

Attempts to pursue sustainability in the minerals sector have largely focused on reducing impacts at mining and processing sites. The Mineral Resources Landscape (Cooper and Giurco, 2011), offers an expanded conceptualisation of minerals sustainability, spanning production, consumption and recycling and connecting social, …

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Is Mining Sustainable? — Mining Focus

The extractive industry of mining is one of the most sustainable industries in existence. Unlike "renewable" agriculture and logging, metals once mined remain in human use forever as they are recycled again and again to be made available to all future generations. ... This definition is attributed to Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, a medical ...

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Creating the zero-carbon mine | McKinsey

The mining industry is at a tipping point where sustainability and decarbonization are top items on CEOs' agendas. To achieve a 1.5°C climate-change target by 2050, the mining industry will need to reduce direct CO 2 emissions to zero. Encouragingly, our analysis shows that solutions to decarbonize the majority of …

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Gold All in Sustaining Costs | Gold AISC | World Gold Council

The use of the "all-in sustaining costs" and "all-in costs" metrics has been widely adopted by gold mining companies as part of their overall reporting disclosure. These non-GAAP metrics have helped provide greater clarity and improve investor understanding. All companies involved in gold-mining are encouraged to use these metrics.

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Sustainable Mining

The mining industry is an important supplier of efficient and sustainable solutions to meet the needs of modern society for metals and minerals.Safe, Lean and Green technology and an innovative organization shall attract talented young men and women to meet the major challenges and opportunities of future mineral supply.

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The Mining Policy Framework

Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) is working to advance good governance practices and policies that support sustainable development through its Mining Policy Framework for Mining and Sustainable Development (MPF). At the World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in …

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Mining is key to much-need development in many countries. Globally, increasing the supply of critical minerals is fundamental to the low-carbon energy …

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sustainable mining Definition

sustainable mining means that diminishing mineral resources are offset by the creation of other economic opportunities.Successful northern-owned as well as joint-owned service industries have taken root. Creating a flexible and competent work force in the north is a multi-year process. Specialized academic and technical training is needed in order for …

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Towards Sustainable Mining and the UN Sustainable …

What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals? In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a call to action on key global challenges related to "peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future". The Sustainable Development Goals – sometimes referred to as "the SDGs" – …

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Addressing the urgency of sustainable mining

The resources industry's historic impact on the environment is clear, with 4 – 7% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions coming from mining alone. 1 But without a sustainable resources industry, global efforts to reduce CO 2 emissions will be difficult. Therefore, meeting sustainability commitments is vital not only for the success of …

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Sustainable development | Definition, Goals, Origins, Three …

Sustainable development, approach to social, economic, and environmental planning that attempts to balance the social and economic needs of present and future human generations with the imperative of preserving, or preventing undue damage to, the natural environment. Sustainable development lacks a

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Review A review of sustainable mining and resource …

The key metrics for environmental sustainability in mining relate to efficiencies in resource consumption, minimizing land disturbance, pollution reduction, as well as …

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Sustainable Mining – What Is It Really?

Sustainable mining can mean different things to different people. Learn how the mining industry can adopt sustainable practices from two perspectives: reducing environmental impacts and maximizing …

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The Concept of Sustainable Development: Definition …

definition of sustainability is also founded on several other important principles. Contained within the common definition of sustainable development, intergenerational equity recognizes the long-term scale of sustainability in order to address the needs of future generations (Dernbach J. C., 1998; Stoddart, 2011).

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Managing mining for sustainable development

The extraction of minerals from the earth presents opportunities, challenges and risks to sustainable development. This sourcebook - a joint publication of UN Environment and UNDP - …

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What Is Sustainable Mining and Why Is It …

Sustainable mining, then, isn't only about finding countries giving their electricity away for next to nothing, or that are cold enough to absorb the heat generated by Bitcoin mining systems. It ...

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(PDF) Mining and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Systematic

Materially, mining is central to sustainable development and central to achieving the SDGs. Many mining companies operate in environmentally sensitive and less developed areas and have contributed ...

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Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Responsible Mining: The Key …

This definition suggests that mining can contribute to sustainable development, but only if it gives rise to long-term net benefits (environmental, social, or economic) that equal or exceed the values that existed prior to exploitation. ... Yet, sustainable mining, as defined by the industry, follows the model of "weak …

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Sustainable Development Framework for the mining …

The SDF framework outlines a working definition for sustainable development in the mining sector as - "Mining that is financially viable; socially responsible; environmentally, technically and scientifically sound; with a long term view of development; uses mineral resources optimally; and, ensures sustainable post-closure …

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