Importance of phosphate pock application for sustaining …

Table 6 indicated that the Nile Valley (El Sebaiya) phosphate rock is characterized by its relatively high content of uranium (69 mg kg −1) while the Red Sea phosphate attains (46 mg kg −1) and Abu Tartur (oxidized and non-oxidized) phosphate rock samples have lower uranium content (32 and 23 mg kg −1, respectively) (Salib 2006).

قرأ أكثر

Effects of Weathering on Glauconite: Evidence from The Abu Tartur …

Recognizing weathering effects is significant for any work carried out on glauconites at the surface. The mineralogy and chemistry of glauconite grains exposed to weathering in a hot arid climate for a maximum of 42 y were studied here. The objective of the study was to find the mineralogical and chemical differences between weathered …

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The present study investigates the leaching of REEs from phosphate rock using sulfuric acid. The impact of the main variables on the leaching performance was examined. …

قرأ أكثر

Facies characteristics, diagenetic phenomena, and the impact …

The contents of natural radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) were measured in sedimentary phosphate rock samples (Abu-Tartur phosphate, Western Desert Egypt) by using gamma spectrometry (NaI (Tl ...

قرأ أكثر

Recovery of Uranium and Rare Earth Elements from Western …

The ion exchange sorption of REE complexes with EDTA on an anion exchanger in the H 2 EDTA 2– form can be performed. This study is aimed at analyzing …

قرأ أكثر

(PDF) Glauconite facies developed sequentially in the Abu Tartur

Abu Tartur led to a general belief that the origin of the glau- conite sediments is linked to the effects of hydrodynamic and physicochemical mechanisms (Glenn and Arthur 1990 ;

قرأ أكثر

Selective leaching kinetics and upgrading of low-grade …

The dissolution kinetics of the Abu-Tartur phosphate rock using dilute hydrochloric acid has been investigated. The influence of acid concentration, liquid/solid ratio, particle size and temperature … Expand

قرأ أكثر

Highlights on the Beneficiation Trials of the Egyptian …

Abu Zaabal Fertilizers and Chemical Co. worked the deposit in Sebaiya West and installed a new beneficiation plant at the end of 1992 to increase its phosphate production …

قرأ أكثر

Leaching of rare earths from Abu Tartur (Egypt) phosphate rock …

The leaching of rare earth elements (REEs) from Egyptian Abu Tartur phosphate rock using phosphoric acid has been examined and was subsequently optimized to better understand if such an approach could be industrially feasible. Preliminary experiments were performed to properly define the design of experiments. Afterward, …

قرأ أكثر


LEACHING OF RARE EARTH ELEMENTS FROM PHOSPHATE ROCK 53 Fig. 1 : XRD pattern of Abu Tartur phosphate rock (Roshdy et al.,2023) Constituent, wt. % P 2O 5 30.1 SO 3 1.50 CaO 44.4 MgO 0.90 Fe 2O 3 3.8 Al 2O 3 0.46 F 2.8 Na 2O 0.28 SiO 2 2.3 L.O.I. * 5.1 Constituent, mg/kg REEs 1810 Table 1 : Chemical characterization of Abu Tartur …

قرأ أكثر

Open Access Dissolution Kinetics of Lanthanides from …

from Abu-Tartur phosphate rock using Tartaric acid; in order to assess the dissolution mechanism and establish an ... effects of reaction time, Tartaric acid concentration,

قرأ أكثر

Azotobacter vinelandii Evaluation and Optimization of Abu Tartur

Effect Of Carbon Source On Dissolution Of Phosphate Content Of Abu Tartur Phosphate Ore Addition factor during experiment It is studied by addition of medium, inoculants of Azotobacter vinelandii ...

قرأ أكثر

Recovery of lanthanides from Abu Tartur phosphate rock, …

In the present work, a process for the treatment of Abu Tartur phosphate rock for the recovery of lanthanides without interfering with the normal route proposed for fertilizer production, is proposed using HNO 3 as a leaching agent. Further, an attempt was made to defluorinate the leach solution in order to upgrade the fertilizer and, at the …

قرأ أكثر

Geochemistry and microprobe investigations of Abu Tartur …

The leaching of rare earth elements (REEs) from Egyptian Abu Tartur phosphate rock using phosphoric acid has been examined and was subsequently optimized to better understand if such an approach ...

قرأ أكثر

Enrichment of abu-tartur phosphate ore wastes

In this work, the amenability of upgrading the reject generated from beneficiating Abu-Tartur phosphate ore by magnetic separation was investigated by two methods: leaching with acetic acid ...

قرأ أكثر


The Abu Tartur deposit is geomorphologically localized in the South East marginal portion of Abu Tartur plateau. The plateau, 1200 km 2 in area, is semi -oval in shape opening towards the N-W.

قرأ أكثر

Chemical composition of the concentrated Abu …

First successful laboratory-scale experiments with a direct leaching reagent and phosphate rock from the Abu Tartur mine in Egypt are presented and discussed by Khaledi et al. (2019). In this,...

قرأ أكثر

Phosphate Mining Wastes at Abu Tartur Mine Area, …

Abu-Tartur phosphate mine is the largest phosphate mine in Egypt. The mine located adjacent to Abu Tartur plateau, some 50 Km to the west of El Kharga Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt (Figure 1). The estimated phosphate ore reserves in the area may reach up to billion tons. An extensive geological drilling exploration

قرأ أكثر

The potential production of rock-based fertilizer and soil …

Variable loads of heavy metals (e.g. Cr, V, As, Cd, and U) are detected in the Abu-Tartur phosphorite at average contents lower than its counterparts at the Nile Valley and Red Sea provinces as well as other parts of the North African phosphorites belt (e.g. Tunisia and Morocco) (Table 1).This is not considered to be a guarantee or …

قرأ أكثر

Enrichment of abu-tartur phosphate ore wastes

In this work, the amenability of upgrading the reject generated from beneficiating Abu-Tartur phosphate ore by magnetic separation was investigated by two methods: leaching with acetic acid...

قرأ أكثر

Phosphate Mining Wastes at Abu Tartur Mine Area, …

Mining wastes are involved in regulation of wide range of diseases including the chronic silicosis, emphysema, asbestosis, pneumoconiosis, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, …

قرأ أكثر

Lithostratigraphic columnar sections of the Abu Tartur …

According to them, the Abu Tartur Phosphate Member represents the initial records of the Late Cretaceous marine transgression in Egypt (Baioumy and Tada, 2005;Ahmed et al., 2014).

قرأ أكثر

Leaching of rare earths from Abu Tartur (Egypt) …

Effect of different parameters on REEs leaching efficiency from Abu Tartur phosphate rock with a particle size of 150 µm. a reaction time: 5 mL/g; 100 rpm; 15 wt.-% P 2 O 5 ; 25 °C. b phosphoric ...

قرأ أكثر

The Phosphate Mining in Egypt: Geology and Sustainable …

near Abu Tartur is largely responsible for the signifi cant rise in p roduction. The proved reserves of the pho sphate o re in Egypt amounts to 2.780 billion tons and h ence becoming the th ird ...

قرأ أكثر

(PDF) Upgrading of Abu-Tartur calcareous phosphate via selective

It was found that upon treatment of ground Abu Tartur phosphate rock with dilute acetic acid the % P2O5 can be raised to 28.6% from an original value of 25.6 % P2O5 with a phosphate recovery of 97.2%.

قرأ أكثر

The potential production of rock-based fertilizer and soil …

The current phosphate mine wastes at El-Liffiya-Maghrabi sector, Abu-Tartur plateau, are represented by low-grade phosphorites along with overburden of glauconite and shale deposits.

قرأ أكثر

Recovery of lanthanides from Abu Tartur phosphate rock, …

In a typical test, the weight of the oxide concentrate obtained represented 4% of the weight of the phosphate rock treated, which agrees with the work of Habashi et al. [3] on Florida phosphate rock. Analysis of the concentrate produced from Abu Tartur phosphate rock was found to give 96% CaO, 2.8% Ln 2 O 3, 0.6% P and 0.009% Fe. …

قرأ أكثر

Glauconite facies developed sequentially in the Abu Tartur …

Careful field and petrographic inspections of glauconite in Abu Tartur led to a general belief that the origin of the glauconite sediments is linked to the effects of hydrodynamic and physicochemical mechanisms (Glenn and Arthur 1990; El Ayyat et al. 2018). The dominance of suitable physicochemical conditions was important for piling up ...

قرأ أكثر

Leaching of rare earths from Abu Tartur (Egypt) phosphate …

The chemical analysis of the phosphate rock is shown in Table 1. The phosphate rock sample contained 30.1% P2O5 and 44.4% CaO with a …

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