(PDF) Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Aggregate Production

Danielsen SW, Kuznetsova E. Environmental Impact and Sustainability in Aggregate Production and Use. In: Lollino G, Manconi A, Guzzetti F, Culshaw M, Bobrowsky P, Luino F, editors. Engineering ...

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Environmental Impacts of Sand Exploitation. Analysis …

resources, illegal mining, and environmental impact of sand mining. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to present an overview of the sand market, highlighting the main trends and actors for production, export and import, and to review the main environmental impacts associated with sand exploitation process.

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Sand, gravel, and UN Sustainable Development Goals: …

Here, we review the interconnections between the impacts of aggregate mining and the services they provide. We show that the conflicting impacts on the …

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Environmental performance of construction and demolition …

For RCA-C, infrastructure does not exceed 3% of the total impact. In contrast, infrastructure has the largest influence on the total impact of NCA production. Regarding the NCA production, the contribution analysis shows that the production of NCA has stakes distributed in a greater number of stages than the recycling process.

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Chapter Environmental Impact and Sustainability of …

environment from the negative impact of any project, whereas the observed fact from abandoned and functioning quarry sites shows these rules are not followed strictly. Keywords: aggregate, sustainability, Ethiopia, production, environmental impact 1. Introduction The construction industry in Ethiopia is a major driving sector for economic …

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Environmental Impacts of Sand Exploitation.

The main objectives of this paper are: (1) to present an overview of the sand market, highlighting the main trends and actors for production, export and import; and (2) to review the main environmental impacts …

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Assessing the Impact of Recycled Building Materials on Environmental

In this study, we critically examine the potential of recycled construction materials, focusing on how these materials can significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy usage in the construction sector. By adopting an integrated approach that combines Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Material Flow Analysis (MFA) within …

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The Unsustainable Use of Sand: Reporting on a Global …

Sand is considered one of the most consumed natural resource, being essential to many industries, including building construction, electronics, plastics, and water filtration. This paper assesses the environmental impact of sand extraction and the problems associated with its illegal exploitation. The analysis indicates that extracting …

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Sand and Gravel in the U.S.

"We cannot extract 50 billion tonnes per year of any material without leading to massive impacts on the ... & Byrnes, M. R. (2004). The U.S. Minerals Management Service Outer Continental Shelf Sand and Gravel Program: Environmental Studies to Assess the Potential Effects of Offshore Dredging Operations in Federal Waters. ... R. …

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Smart materials and technologies for sustainable concrete …

Recycled aggregates; Recycled aggregates are an essential component of green concrete, as they help to reduce the environmental impact of concrete production by utilizing waste materials and reducing the demand for natural resources (Levy and Helene, 2004; Chen et al., 2003; Hansen, 1986; Evangelista and De Brito, 2014; Wang …

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Understanding the environmental impacts of …

My literature review on aggregate Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) highlighted many shortcomings, such as low-quality inputs and fragmented system boundaries, and estimated that gravel consumption is responsible for 0.17–1.8% of the …

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Environmental Implications of Quarry Rock Dust: A …

This research prepares a preliminary life cycle analysis of QRD, its carbon dioxide emissions as well as the economical analysis of QRD. The findings of this study …

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Environmental Impacts of Sand Exploitation. …

The purpose of this paper is twofold: to present an overview of the sand market, highlighting the main trends and actors for production, export and import, and to review the main environmental ...

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Environmental and economic impacts assessment of concrete pavement

The interpretation in LCA was used to evaluate the findings of either the inventory analysis or the impact assessment, ... Environmental impact load: Crushed gravel 43.19% + cement 41.21% + water reducer 15.16% ... higher recycle rate of basalt powder and crushed gravel could reduce the environmental impacts and production …

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Social and environmental assessments of Eco-friendly …

Three pavements were considered for the social and environmental analysis performed. The pavements differ on terms of the material used for the base (Table 1): Gravel (G), Fly Ash-Carbide Lime (FA-CL), and Fly Ash-Carbide Lime-Salt (FA-CL-Salt).FA was obtained from a local power plant in the south of Brazil and is a waste from …

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Performance, Environmental Benefit and Economic Analysis …

The decrease in production and landfill of gravel are the main reasons for the reduction of environmental impact. The paper studies the important factors that …

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1 Gagg, Colin R. "Cement and concrete as an engineering material: An historic appraisal and case study analysis." Engineering Failure Analysis, 40, 2014, pp. 114-140, doi: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2014.02.004 2 PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. "Trends in Global CO 2 Emissions: 2016 Report."

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The Unsustainable Use of Sand: Reporting on a Global …

This paper assesses the environmental impact of sand extraction and the problems associated with its illegal exploitation. The analysis indicates that extracting sand at a greater rate than that ...

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Gravel Mulching Significantly Improves Crop Yield and …

In the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China, periodic rainfall deficits, high field evaporation, limited freshwater resources, and high irrigation costs restrict crop yield and water productivity (WP). Gravel mulching (GM), a traditional agricultural tillage management practice widely used in arid and semi-arid regions, improves crop yield and …

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Comprehensive Analysis of Geopolymer Materials: …

The advancement of eco-friendly technology in the construction sector has been improving rapidly in the last few years. As a result, multiple building materials were developed, enhanced, and proposed as replacements for some traditional materials. One notable example presents geopolymer as a substitute for ordinary Portland concrete …

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Environmental impact analysis of quarrying activities established …

It is observed that environmental impacts of quarrying sand, gravel, and other building materials from stream beds lead to modifications in stream regime (Ozcan et al., 2012). The complications ...

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Construction and demolition waste as recycled aggregate for

Recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition waste (CDW) instead of natural aggregates (NA) were analysed in the manufacture of new eco-friendly concrete. Fine (FRA) and coarse (CRA) recycled aggregates were used in different percentages as substitutes of natural sand and gravel, respectively. The results …

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Simulation and application analysis of gravel packing in …

For the selected gravel (the density of 2.2 sg) and carrier fluid (the density of 1.6 sg), the analysis results of the safe interval of pump rate in A10H HP well under different safety allowances are given. (1) Without considering the operation safety margin, Figure 7 presents the analysis curve of the safe interval of the pump rate. The ...

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Environmental Impact of Aggregate Mining & Dredging

New quarrying sites require planning permission within the UK, including an Environmental Impact Assessment and ecological surveys which assess ecological impacts comprehensively before extraction. It must also include a plan for remediation at the end of the extraction period.

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What is the impact of river gravel extraction in Fiji? The study identified significant and acute negative social and environmental impacts associated with river gravel extraction of Fiji's perennial rivers. Fijian communities depend on rivers for services including drinking water, food, washing, transporta -

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Environmental Impacts of Sand and Gravel Operations …

Environmental Impacts of Aggregate and Stone Mining New Mexico Case Study Prepared By Steve Blodgett, M.S. ... total combined revenues for industrial mineral and aggregate production was $2,025,426, with ... it becomes clear that the environmental impacts of sand and gravel mining are widespread and cumulative. Below is a partial list of the ...

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Comparison of the Environmental Impact and Production …

Geoheritage and geoconservation are concerned with the preservation of geological features and are significant global endeavors, as evidenced by various international and intra-national conservation bodies, with agreements, conventions, and inter-governmental initiatives. In recent years, aggregate production from stream beds …

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Hydrogen production, storage, utilisation and environmental impacts…

Dihydrogen (H2), commonly named 'hydrogen', is increasingly recognised as a clean and reliable energy vector for decarbonisation and defossilisation by various sectors. The global hydrogen demand is projected to increase from 70 million tonnes in 2019 to 120 million tonnes by 2024. Hydrogen development should also meet the seventh goal of …

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Optimization and analysis of gravel packing parameters in horizontal

The gravel layers formed both at the screen—casing annulus and the casing—borehole annulus protected the screens and casings from direct fluid erosion, which was beneficial for a long-term production test. The quality of the gravel layer, therefore, plays a vital role in prolonging NGH production duration, which is dominantly …

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Environmental impact assessment of red mud utilization in …

This study aims to evaluate the environmental impact of using red mud (RM) as a partial replacement for cement in concrete production. Using industrial byproducts such as red mud as a raw material in concrete can reduce the environmental impacts of concrete and alumina industries. Red mud can also provide a sustainable …

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Environmental impacts of road pavement rehabilitation

Production of bitumen accounts for 49 % of climate change impacts, while the production of gravel and sand only account for 3 %. In the MF construction stage, 27 % of climate impacts are generated by the portable HMA plant burning diesel operating at Communication Road, and upstream production of diesel accounts for 5 % of the …

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Gravel vs Recycled Asphalt: A Comprehensive Analysis for

Gravel production may have a higher environmental impact due to quarrying and transportation. Binding Properties: Recycled asphalt has binding properties due to the residual asphalt binder, which can help it to compact and form a semi-solid surface. Gravel lacks these binding properties and remains loose unless stabilized with other materials.

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Sand, gravel, and UN Sustainable Development Goals: Conflicts

Introduction. Sand, gravel, and crushed stone (collectively referred to herein as aggregates) are the most in-demand materials on the planet in terms of volume. 1, 2 Together, they are a central foundation of our economies and integral to sectors such as construction, infrastructure, electronics, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. 3 The growing …

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gravel production impact on environment analysis

gravel production impact on environment analysis. Sand Extraction 1 Introduction. It also has an indirect impact from the production of cement for use in concrete together with sand and gravel for each tonne of cement, an average of 09 tonnes of carbon dioxide are produced Emissions of 165 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide were estimated from cement …

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Understanding the environmental impacts of …

Despite the ever-growing massive consumption of aggregates, knowledge about their environmental footprint is limited. My literature review on aggregate Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) highlighted many shortcomings, such as low-quality inputs and fragmented system boundaries, and estimated that gravel consumption is responsible …

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