Effect of rock properties on rippability of laterite …

The proposed method includes rock parameters such as uniaxial compressive strength, seismic P-wave velocity, discontinuity spacing and Schmidt hammer hardness value.

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Sparse 3D reflection seismic survey for deep-targeting iron …

Field photos from the 3D seismic survey (April-May 2019) in the Blötberget mine. The survey was conducted using the 32t vibrator of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 1266 receivers of which 414 were ...

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Seismic Velocity — GPG 0.0.1 documentation

where (K) is the bulk modulus, (mu) is the shear modulus and (rho) is the density.. S-waves. S-waves are shear waves in which the particle motion is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. The shearing action and the propagation of the wave can be seen in the diagram on the right 1.Cells change shape but do not change volume when …

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Seismic velocity structure and composition of the …

The weighted average crustal thickness based on these values is 41.1 km. This value is 10% to 20% greater than previous estimates which underrepresented shields, platforms, and orogens. The average compressional wave velocity of the crust is 6.45 km/s, and the average velocity of the uppermost mantle (Pn velocity) is 8.09 km/s.

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Application of seismic velocity tomography in underground coal mines…

A better understanding of geological structures, stress regimes, and rock burst risks around longwall mining panels can allow for higher extraction efficiency with reduced safety concerns. In this paper, the stress change of rock mass was first examined by using ultrasonic technique into laboratory-scale rock samples. Subsequently, the active and …

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Combined electrical resistivity tomography and high …

Talcher Coalfield is one of the most important coalfields considering thermal grade coal reserves in India; nevertheless, hardly any published geophysical study is available for mapping the subsurface coal, in-crop zone, fault location, formation boundary, etc. In the present study, a combined analysis of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) …

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Seismic Monitoring in Mines

The introduction of modern digital seismic systems to mines and progress in the theory and methods of quantitative seismology have enabled the implementation of realtime seismic monitoring as a management tool, quantifying rockmass response to mining and achieving the first tangible results with prediction. ... Seismic Velocity Inversion from ...

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A high-resolution seismic velocity model for East Asia using …

The structure and dynamics of the upper mantle control tectonics, seismicity, magmatism, and the development of mineral deposits. Seismic tomography maps spatial variations in seismic velocity and offers essential information on the variations of temperature in the mantle, the thickness and mechanical strength of the lithosphere, and …

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seismic velocity in iron mines in goa india

Seismic Seismic energy Meters, milliseconds Velocity of P or S Structures or velocity All refraction: B,G travel time waves layer contrasts ... Magnetic exploration may directly detect some iron ore deposits (magnetite or banded iron formation), and ... tailings and extent of acid mine drainage around mineral deposits (Dave and others, 1986).

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Developing cost-effective seismic mineral exploration …

Economic metallic deposits have usually strong seismic contrast 1, 2, product of velocity and density, with their host rocks.Therefore, at the presence of favourable geometry, size and signal-to ...

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A guide to routine seismic monitoring in mines

In book: A Handbook on Rock Engineering Practice for Tabular Hard Rock Mines (pp.287-309) Edition: 1; Chapter: A guide to routine seismic monitoring in mines

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P- and S-wave velocity modeling and inversion using 3 …

P- and S-wave velocity modeling and inversion using 3-C seismic data in Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) of southern India to image shallow crustal structure with …

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The seismic velocity distribution in the vicinity of a …

The seismic velocity distribution in the vicinity of a mine tunnel at Thabazimbi, South Africa C. Wright a,), ... Analysis of the refracted arrivals on a seismic reflection profile recorded along the wall of a tunnel at an iron mine near Thabazimbi, South Africa, shows variations in P-wave velocity in dolomite away from the de-stressed zone ...

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The Seismic Method : Principles and Applications

The seismic method is a crucial technique in geophysics that plays a significant role in understanding the subsurface structure of the Earth. It is widely employed in various fields such as oil and gas exploration, environmental studies, civil engineering, and geological research. Seismic methods involve the use of artificially generated …

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1 Introduction to seismic data and processing

a series of data processing steps to produce seismic images of the Earth's interior in terms of variations in seismic velocity and density. The ground movements recorded by seismic sensors (such as geophones and seismometers onshore, or hydrophones and ocean bottom seismometers offshore) contain information on the media's response to

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(PDF) Guidelines, Standards and Best Practice for Seismic …

The seismic monitoring objectives should be reviewed annually and recorded in the mine's code of practice. 4 Network design 4.1 Performance criteria The primary output of seismic monitoring in mines is the time and location of seismic events. No other objective can be met if the seismic network fails to produce this.

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Seismic velocity imaging of the Kumaon–Garhwal Himalaya, India …

Since the initial collision at 55 Ma, rocks of the Indian crust below the Himalayas have undergone modification chemically and compositionally due to the ongoing India–Asia convergence. The local earthquake tomography images a shallow (~ 1–2°) north-easterly dipping low-velocity layer (10–20% drop in Vp and Vs, 10–15% increase …

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The excavation disturbed zone (EDZ) at Kiirunavaara mine, …

The mining company Luossavaara Kiirunavaara AB (LKAB) has been mining iron ore for more than 100 years in the mines in Malmberget and Kiruna in northern Sweden (Fig. 2). The Kiirunavaara mine (in Kiruna) has an annual production of 24 million tonnes of iron ore. The ore body strikes nearly north–south and dips 60° to the east …

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The seismic velocity distribution in the vicinity of a mine …

Analysis of the refracted arrivals on a seismic reflection profile recorded along the wall of a tunnel at an iron mine near Thabazimbi, South Africa, shows variations in P-wave velocity in dolomite away from the de-stressed zone that vary between 4.4 and 7.2 km/s, though values greater than 5.8 km/s predominate along most of the profile.The …

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Sparse 3D reflection seismic survey for deep-targeting iron …

Abstract. Many metallic mineral deposits have sufficient physical property contrasts, particularly density, to be detectable using seismic methods. These deposits are sometimes significant for our society and economic growth and can help to accelerate the energy transition towards decarbonization. However, their exploration at depth requires …

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A Guide to Routine Seismic Monitoring in Mines, in A Handbook on Rock Eng. Practice for Tabular Hard Rock Mines Mendecki, et al., ISS International Limited for SIMRAC, Department of Minerals and Energy of SA 5 2. Objectives of Seismic Monitoring in Mines In general, routine seismic monitoring in mines enables the quantification of exposure

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An approach to assessment of post mining-induced seismic …

Forty-six mining-induced seismic events with moment magnitude between −1.2 and 2.1 that possibly caused damage were studied. The events occurred between 2008 and 2013 at mining level 850–1350 ...

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Study of iron deposit using seismic refraction and resistivity …

In this work, the methods of shallow seismic refraction (P-wave) and resistivity were used to identify the interface between the iron ore and other rock types in a line located in the iron ore body of N4WS in Serra Norte, CMP (Fig. 1).These two geophysical methods were used together to minimize the ambiguity since each method …

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Seismic velocity modeling in the digital transformation era: …

Seismic velocity modeling is a crucial step in seismic processing that enables the use of velocity information from both seismic and wells to map the depth and thickness of subsurface layers interpreted from seismic images. ... Proceedings of the 2019 3rd international conference on information system and data mining, pp 16–20. Zhang Z …

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Sparse 3D reflection seismic survey for deep-targeting iron …

Field photos from the 3D seismic survey (April-May 2019) in the Blötberget mine. The survey was conducted using the 32 t vibrator of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, with 1266 receivers, 414 of which ...

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Welcome to IR@CIMFR

A total Of 70 mines covering an area of about 6,082 ha are active and they yield more than 80 per cent of the total iron ore production from Goa. Most Of the iron ore deposits are …

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Ripper Production Prediction for Laterite Excavation in …

The site investigations for rippability were carried out at six different open pit iron ore mines operated by private companies covering the mineralized strike length of 65 km from …

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The seismic velocity distribution in the vicinity of a mine …

The seismic survey was conducted during April 1997 by CSIR Mining Technology in the wall of a near-horizontal tunnel excavated in rocks of the Frisco Formation at a depth of 910 m below the surface in an iron mine (East Mine of Fig. 1) owned by Iscor Mining.The detection of zones of wad was the primary objective of the …

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An approach to assessment of post mining-induced seismic …

The past seismic history of worked out mines in India shows some large visible ground subsidence events and recent sinkhole formations in the densely populated areas close to the mining area, causing serious social, economic and political concerns to the residents as well as district administration and state government. ... 2002 7 Modified ...

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