Time to normalise respect and remedy for Human Rights …

Research Insight Responsible Mining Foundation Time to normalise Human Rights respect and remedy in mining 1 February 18, 2021 Time to normalise respect and remedy for Human Rights in mining Human Rights crosscut a wide range of issues, and mining activities by their nature can impinge on many of them.

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Cobalt Mining: The History, Impacts, and Legal Interventions

The EV industry's rapid growth is expected to drive further demand for cobalt, but it could also intensify scrutiny of the environmental and ethical aspects of mining. Mining companies are increasingly investing in more sustainable and ethical practices, while technology and alternative materials are being explored to reduce …

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Not So "Green" Technology: The Complicated Legacy of Rare Earth Mining

This complicated ethical problem requires deep consideration of who benefits from REE mining, who experiences its negative effects, and to what extent it is necessary. For example, if the communities experiencing the effects of REE mining are not receiving any of its benefits, then there is a substantial issue of justice at hand.

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A guide to leading practice sustainable development in …

Mining is a global industry, and Australian companies are active investors and explorers in nearly all mining provinces around the world. The Australian Government recognises that a better mining industry means more growth, jobs, investment and trade, and that these benefits should flow through to higher living standards for all.

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Code of Ethics and Conduct

Purpose of the Code of Ethics and Conduct. This document serves to set out the fundamental principles and standards that the Foundation strives to maintain, and as a …

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Social, ethical and legal issues of data mining

The social ethical, and legal implications of DM are examined through recent case law, current public opinion, and small industry-specific examples to provide insight into how information systems professionals and businesses may protect themselves from the negative ramifications associated with improper use of data. This chapter highlights both …

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Teaching case: Digging into the ethics of cobalt mining

As demand grows for the material used in batteries, this MBA-style case study explores ethical dilemmas over unregulated mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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Technical Guide on Internal Audit of Mining and …

operating aspects of the mining and extractive industry. It gives a brief overview on various aspects like industry structure, challenges faced by the industry, evaluation and assessment, mine planning, mine development, mineral processing, process monitoring. The Guide also covers the policies and regulation related to mining industry.

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Ethics, geopolitics and lithium mining

Discussing Iran's recent discovery of a massive lithium deposit with Zayn Kalyan, CEO of Infinity Stone Ventures, reveals a unique perspective on the topic. Infinity Stone works to discover deposits of battery metals, taking potential mines through the early development stages before selling the projects onto other companies to develop and …

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A Sustainable Shine: Ethical Gold Mining Practices

The gold mining industry is moving towards ethical and sustainable practices. These methods are designed to protect the environment, ... Child Labor: Still a big problem, especially in countries with weak laws. Conflict Minerals: Gold mining and conflict areas often overlap. Armed groups misuse resources and violate human rights.

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Mining Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Philippines

The MICC is tasked with reforms related to the mining industry including mine safety and environmental policies. 1.3 Describe any other sources of law affecting the mining industry. Administrative rules and regulations on mining and the environment issued by the Philippine President and the DENR Secretary also affect the industry.

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Data Mining Ethics at TAMIU Online

Laws alone are not sufficient to establish a consensus set of ethical practices. That is incumbent upon business schools and industry leaders. A Master of Science (M.S.) in Information Science can equip professionals with an ethical, appropriate understanding of data mining and its implications. Ethical Concerns in Data Mining. …

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Code of Ethics and Conduct

It encourages discussion on ethical issues, transparency about work and roles, and ... members who are independent of and impartial towards the mining industry, and who act in a voluntary capacity for a term of 2 years, renewable twice. ... jurisdiction of Switzerland and act in good faith within the law, also in other jurisdictions wherever it ...

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Mining Laws and Regulations United Kingdom 2024

1.3 Describe any other sources of law affecting the mining industry. The principal legislation affecting the mining industry in the UK includes the following: The Coal Industry Act 1994 establishing the Coal Authority and setting out the framework within which the coal industry currently operates.

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Advanced Analytics for Ethical Considerations in Mining …

Unethical AI models can expose a mining company to reputational, regulatory, and legal risks. This chapter introduces the concept of ethics and discusses …

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(PDF) Ethical Construction and Development of Mining …

Green mining, an evolving paradigm within mining engineering, is driven by a commitment to environmental ethics and sustainability. This article explores the principles, benefits, and challenges ...

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Governance and human rights in mining | Deloitte Insights

Mining companies must strengthen their governance processes, including their approach to issues such as human rights in mining, ethics, and cybersecurity.

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Ethics in mining: Challenging, but necessary

The article explores the ethical challenges and opportunities in the mining industry, especially in the supply chain of …

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Time to normalise respect and remedy for Human Rights …

So what is the current status of human rights in the mining sector? Evidence shows that more companies are integrating human rights issues in their public reporting. And it is …

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Can Mining Ever Be Ethical? | Man Institute

Mining is an industry with a historically poor safety record, but one which is inherently more dangerous than other industries. Many companies are aware of this, laying out their non-financial key performance indicators ('KPIs') in their annual report, of which safety is …

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Mining and mineral resource development in Canada

The industry must also follow laws to ensure financial transparency and ethical trade. To learn how mining is meeting these challenges, visit Responsible mining. Before a project is approved, an impact assessment is conducted by government to ensure the project: protects the environment

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Impacts of Mining

Future direction for the mining industry . The mining industry is responsible for 4%-7% of global greenhouse gas emissions and has a responsibility to commit to a reduction in emissions throughout its entire supply chain. This includes moving away from fossil fuels and supporting renewable energy and new technologies.

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Mining Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Congo D.R.

1.1 What regulates mining law? Under Congolese law, mining law is governed by Law n° 007/2002 of July 11, 2002 related to the Mining Code ("Mining Code"), as amended and supplemented by Law n° 18/001 of March 9, 2018; as well as Decree n° 2003/038 of March 26, 2003 related to Mining Regulations ("Mining …

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Ethical considerations of artificial intelligence in mining

This article discusses AI use cases in the mining industry with ethical considerations, reviews critical challenges and potential bias mitigation strategies. ... It should be lawful, complying with all applicable laws and regulations. It should be ethical, ensuring adherence to ethical principles and values. It should be robust, both from a ...

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Global forces shaping the future of mining and …

One approach is to look at risk and issues not in isolation, but to consider how they manifest themselves as forces shaping the future of the mining industry. Whereas risks vary from year to year …

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The Laws of Space Mining

The Laws of Space Mining Guest Austin Murnane, Senior Legal Counsel at Blue Origin, on legal considerations around in-situ resource utilization from the Earth's moon and other celestial bodies. January 3, 2024 • 25 minutes. ... in arbitration in the aerospace industry, that there is a fairly well established use of arbitral panels in order ...

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Sustainable and Ethical Uranium Mining: Opportunities and …

Proponents of sustainable and ethical mining recognize that mining carries an inevitable impact, ... As early as 1880, lawmakers floated the need for reform due to abuses of the law that have allowed the industry and artisanal miners to mine minerals without paying value back to the government or the community. Reform of the 1872 …

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CSR and Labor Policies in the South African Mining Industry

Fine and Rustomjee posit that South Africa has been a leading global supplier of minerals and mineral products for a long time.Neingo and Tholana aver that the mining industry in South Africa directly adds about 7% to the country's gross domestic product (GDP).Also, the industry is responsible for at least R540 billion in exports each …

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Deep sea mining: Finding the balance between profit and …

DEEP SEA MINING| Off the Western Coast of North America lies some of the deepest ocean in the world: the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. Spanning roughly 4.5 million square kilometres and as deep as 5 km at some points, this unusually mountainous underwater area is home to some of the highest concentrations of the world's …

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Mining Laws and Regulations Philippines 2023

Mining law in the Philippines is regulated by the State policies laid down under the 1987 Constitution mandating that the State owns all natural resources. ... 1.3 Describe any other sources of law affecting the mining industry. The mining industry is likewise governed by administrative rules and regulations – issued by the Philippine ...

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Ethical Construction and Development of Mining …

Modern mining engineering has become a huge system project with the increased intensification and complexity of mining engineering, which interwinds, involving many factors. Ethical issues in the main body of mining engineering have become more and more prominent. What must complement ongoing discussions is a more …

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Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Regulations

Code of Ethics. AusIMM's Code of Ethics aims to ensure AusIMM members uphold and enhance their profession in the global mining community. We promote the highest professional and ethical standards of our members across all areas of professional practice with a strong focus on ethics and application of professional codes.

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Impacts of mining projects in Papua New Guinea on …

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), mining has been surrounded by controversy related to its environmental and social impacts for several decades. In this context, the research reported herein is an investigation of the way in which mining has impacted on poverty in two large mining regions at Ok Tedi and Porgera. We surveyed 609 …

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