Flotation of Chromite Ore

Deslimed chromite ore was floated at pH 1.5 to 5.5 using a long-chain fatty-acid collector and soluble fluoride ions as a silicate depressant. The Havens method …

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Flotation of chromite and serpentine

chromite flotation were studied with sodium dodecyl sulphate and dodecyl ammonium chloride as collectors [13]. The main interest in the flotation properties of serpentine

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A study on the recovery of fine chromite from UG2 tailings

Gallios et al. (2007) also focused on the use of sodium oleate as collector in the separation of chromite from serpentine, studying the effect of collector concentration and the type and dosage of modifiers, as well as pH, on flotation. Salient findings of this work were that the chromite could be floated at moderate collector dosages and at ...

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Recover Chromite by Flotation

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite

Sixty-two human teeth, obtained from subjects aged 11 to 80 years, were used to determine the magnesium and fluoride concentration and distribution with age in human cementum.

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite

The responses of chromite and the gangue minerals olivine and serpentine commonly associated with it to fluoride activation in soap and anine flotation were studied. Hydrofluoric acid was shown to have good selective properties in amine flotation of chromite that qualify it as a possible flotation reagent.

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New perspectives in iron ore flotation: Use of collector …

For the tests using etheramine, amidoamine, oleate, and starch, a conditioning time of 5 min was used. Flotation was performed at pH 10 with dosages of 300 g/t (this dosage was determined by the studies that will be shown later) for the three collector reagents and 1000 g/t for starch. However, for the tests with oleate, additional …

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Flotation of chromite and serpentine

The objective of current work is to study the effect of pH, collector concentration, type and concentration of modifiers on the flotation behaviour of …

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Surface dissolution-assisted mineral flotation: A review

The results of chromite flotation after surface leaching in pure HCl for a week showed that the recovery of chromite is improved in the acidic pH range with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and in alkaline pH range with dodecyl ammonium chloride (DAC) (Fig. 22). Also, the solubility of different ions from the surface of chromite (aged in air …

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Chromite Flotation

The present work reports on the effects of various pretreatments of chromite on the mineral's flotation behavior when sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) and dodecylammonium chloride (DAC) …

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Flotation Reagents

This data on chemicals, and mixtures of chemicals, commonly known as reagents, is presented for the purpose of acquainting those interested in froth flotation with some of the more common reagents and their various uses.. Flotation as a concentration process has been extensively used for a number of years. However, little is known of it …

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Flotation of chromite and serpentine

The application of fluoride in the process was patented a long time now [12]. The effects of pretreatment and aging on chromite flotation were studied with sodium dodecyl sulphate and dodecyl ammonium chloride as collectors [13]. ... Carboxymethyl cellulose is a strong depressant of chromite flotation at the alkaline pH region, while ...

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Chromite is a spinel group mineral with the general chemical formula (Fe, Mg, Al) Cr2O4. It is the main source for the extraction of chromium metal mainly used for the manufacturing of stainless steel, chemicals and has wide industrial usage. Chromite is mostly associated with ultramafic rocks and ophiolite sequences.

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite

The responses of chromite and the gangue minerals olivine and serpentine commonly associated with it to fluoride activation in soap and anine flotation were studied. …

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Chromite- mineralogy and processing

Selective flotation is usually achieved in the acid pH range 1.5-6, selectivity sometimes being improved by the use of depressants, such as sodium fluoride and …

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Amine flotation of chromite from acidic pulps

Collector addition and chromite flotation can be repeated as many times as necessary until all the chromite is flotated with the total amount of amine collector addition ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 pounds of reagent per ton of feed. The rougher grade chromite concentrate obtained can be cleaned by reflotation for about 10 minutes at a pH less than ...

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A study on the recovery of fine chromite from UG2 tailings

Based on the results, two flow sheets comprising gravity, magnetic separation and flotation, were used to recover chromite values. A chromite concentrate of 45.0% Cr2O3 with a Cr:Fe ratio of 2.3 ...

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Mine chromite or in general concentration of similar low grade chrom­ ite deposits. An attempt was also made to increase the efficiency of chromite concentration by eliminating some of the loss of the finer sizes. Before the flotation tests the problem of Iron Determination in Chromite was presented to the writer by Mister M. D. O'Shaugh-nessy.

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Fluoride activation in the flotation of chromite

The responses of chromite and the gangue minerals olivine and serpentine commonly associated with it to fluoride activation in soap and anine flotation were studied. Hydrofluoric acid was shown to ha...

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Characterisation of South African Chromite Middle …

mines are already exploiting other chromite layers within the Middle group, and these are the MG2, 3 and 4 [6]. This might be due to depreciation of high-grade chromite seams. Chromite processing involves crushing, milling to less than 1mm and further beneficiation using gravity circuits and spiral concentrators are widely used for this purpose.

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Selective Recovery of Graphite from Spent Potlining (SPL) …

Abstract Spent potlining (SPL) consists of the carbon cathodes (1st cut), aluminosilicate refractories, and the insulation lining of Hall–Héroult cells (2nd cut) used in aluminum smelting. SPL is classified as hazardous material due to its high content in soluble fluoride salts and the presence of cyanides. The 1st cut contains considerable …

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Flotation behavior of chromium and manganese minerals

hydrofluoric acid for selective flotation of chromite. However, Abido (1971) dis­ counts the notion that fluoride is an activator for soap flotation. In fact, it is reported that hydrofluoric acid is detrimental to soap flotation but is quite effective for selective amine flotation of chromite at pH 3.5-4.5 as shown in Figure 1.

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Amine flotation of chromite from acidic pulps

Chromium values are recovered from pulverized chromite ore by agitating and aerating an aqueous pulp of said pulverized chromite ore containing an amine collector at a pulp acidity less than 2.5; and recovering a chromite containing froth as a concentrate.

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Chromite- mineralogy and processing

Selective flotation is usually achieved in the acid pH range 1.5-6, selectivity sometimes being improved by the use of depressants, such as sodium fluoride and sodium fluosilicate. Several studies have also shown that the flotation behaviour of chromite can be modified by heat treatment, although the mechanism is complex.

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The experimental results indicate that flotation can occur by two different mechanisms, dependent on the pH of the system and on the absence or presence of added metal …

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Beneficiation of South African chromite tailings using

Keywords: Ultra-fine chromite tailings, Magnetic separation, Characterization, Chromite 1. Introduction Chromite recoveries is a major concern particularly in processing of finely disseminated ores due to its inherent complexities. The gravity separation process is the main beneficiation process used to recover chromite mineral. However,

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It is because chromite sources such as the chromite-containing LG-6 reef are typically not mined for PGMs, which are discarded along with tailings. ... This is followed by flotation banks comprising 10 cleaner and five recleaner cells that take the concentrate recovery level of about 44% of the contained PGMs. Collector reagents are used to ...

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a selective froth flotation process for the treatment of chromite ores having low grade chrome spinels, Zircon, staurolite, ilmenite, magnetite, garnet, quartz, epidote, olivine and alteration products as inclusions which comprises subjecting a pulp of such an ore to an initial blunging treatment in the presence of a soluble fluosilicate-forming substance, …

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Top 3 Chrome Ore Processing Methods that Get Higher …

Chrome ore flotation Generally, when the gravity separation and magnetic separation fail, flotation offers an alternative technique to concentrate the fine-grained and ultra-fine-grained chromite rocks and fine-grained chromite tailings which require fine grinding for liberation. But grinding will produce a large amount of ore slime.

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Column Flotation of Chromite and Fluorite Ores

AbstractThe Bureau of Mines investigated column vs conventional flotation of chromite and fluorite ores. Fine-bubble column flotation of deslimed chromite ore produced a 44.7 % Cr2O3 rougher concentrate at 87.1 % recovery, whereas conventional flotation produced a 40.4 % Cr2O3 concentrate at 85.4 % recovery. Column flotation of …

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The Use of Flotation and High-Intensity Magnetic …

Abstract. The flotation process and magnetic separation are the most common methods for feldspar beneficiation containing approximately 0.4% Fe 2 O 3 and 0.04% TiO 2.A model MIH (13) 111-5 Induced Roll dry high-intensity magnetic separator was used in this investigation to produce high-quality feldspar concentrate, and …

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Fine chrome beneficiation and reverse PGM upgrade of …

Chromite grades vary between 3–5% in the Merensky Reef and the Platreef, and 5–15% in the UG2 reef (Engelbrecht, 2012). The chromite could adversely influence flotation of the PGM minerals, and recent flow sheet configurations use gravity separation spiral circuits to remove chromite before flotation. This can be

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(PDF) Flotation of chromite and serpentine

The flotation of chromite from "slime fraction" of the gravity circuit of Kemi concentrator, Finland was studied. The main gangue minerals are chlorite, tremolite and talc. Amines or fatty ...

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Beneficiation Studies on the Low-Grade Chromite of …

was used as the cationic collector for chromite flotation. The other reagents included hydrofluoric acid (Merck), which acted as an activator. In order to stabilize the froth, small quan-tity of polypropylene glycol was used. In addition, tannic acid and sulfuric acid were used to act as depressant and pH regu-lator, respectively. Results and ...

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