Processing and Reusing Technologies for Steelmaking Slag

magnetic separation treatment of the slag to recover the metal iron, ③ crushing and classification of the slag for grain size adjustment to manufacture the slag product, and …

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An efficient approach to utilize copper smelting slag: …

To eliminate the negative effects caused by nonferrous metals when using copper slag in the steelmaking industry, a new scheme was proposed to treat copper …

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A Review on Environmental Concerns and Technological …

Mineral process wastes, such as metallurgical slags nowadays, are of significant metals and materials resources in the circular economy. The usability of iron-making slag is well established; however, steel slag still needs to be utilized due to various physicochemical constraints. In this context, we have reviewed the global steel slag …

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Semi-Smelting Reduction and Magnetic Separation for …

The maximum particle size of iron nugget is about 15 mm, and the recovery rate of the iron and Al2O3 grade of the alumina slag are 96.84 wt % and 43.98 wt %, respectively.

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Optimization of iron and aluminum recovery in bauxite

Recovering iron and aluminum efficiently is the key route to utilize low-grade high-iron bauxite. Aiming to optimize the iron separating process and elevate both Fe and Al recovery ratio, three different Fe–Al recovery processes with different magnetic roasting (R), Bayer leaching process (L) and magnetic separation (S) orders were investigated. …

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Matte-slag separation behavior as a function of iron …

3 calculated to be 1.73. Table 1 Chemical analysis of the copper smelting slag Component Cu Fe (Total) SiO2 S Al2O3 CaO MgO Zn Fe3O4 Content(wt.%) 17.82 33.06 19.13 8.07 2.96 2.12 1.95 1.83 12.9

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New process for treating boron-bearing iron ore by flash …

Boron is an important industrial raw material often sourced from minerals containing different compounds that cocrystallize, which makes it difficult to separate the mineral phases through conventional beneficiation. This study proposed a new treatment called flash reduction-melting separation (FRMS) for boron-bearing iron concentrates. …

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High-valued and deep utilization technology of copper slag

In order to achieve single recovery of Fe, Cu and Si in copper slag and deep removal of impurities in products, the activated reduction combining directional oxidation are adopted to improve the separation limit of target components, which mineral constituent as well as chemical composition at different stages are investigated through XRD and …

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A new technology for copper slag reduction to get molten …

The carburization and desulfurization process is restricted to a degree within the carbon composite pellets, and copper matte phase precipitates from copper slag in …

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Three-dimensional electro-Fenton system with iron as …

Separation and Purification Technology. ... Pages 463-474. Three-dimensional electro-Fenton system with iron as particle electrode for folic acid wastewater pretreatment. Author links open overlay panel Yanshi Zheng, ... [15], Mn-loaded catalytic particle electrode derived from steel slag [16], powdered or granular …

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Efficient separation of iron elements from steel slag based …

In this experiment, dry magnetic separation and wet weak magnetic separation of steel slag were separately performed, and the reasonable process …

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A New Technology for Copper Slag Reduction to Get Molten Iron …

The formation of molten slag is necessary for slag-iron separation, and iron is in half-molten state during smelting-separation process, the carbon content of which is about 1.25%.

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Review Occurrence of steel converter slag and its high value …

Pre-treatment for steel converter slag utilization. ... Good separation of slag and iron; 5. Stable properties; 6. f-CaO, f-MgO content less than 2%. 1. ... Steel slag's potential uses are becoming more diverse as industrial technology advances. When treating steel slag, special attention must be given to possible applications, energy …

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Selective Precipitation and Separation of Fe Components …

By modification of Molten copper smelting slag,the dispersed Fe components in various mineral phases were selectively enriched into the magnetite phase,and the magnetite phase could be selectively precipitated and grew.Thus,the magnetic phase can be separated by the magnetic separation method.It was found that the average grain size of magnetite …

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Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper …

This work mainly reviews and combs the physical separation methods, chemical separation methods and combined separation methods used to separate and …

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Extraction and separation of copper and iron from copper …

In this work, a new technology of microwave fluidization pretreatment (MFP) was proposed to strengthen the separation of oolitic hematite.

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Study on the Drying Kinetics of Zinc Smelting Iron Slag …

Some companies currently use dehydration agents to pretreat iron slag. However, this approach has drawbacks including long conditioning times, high costs, and the introduction of impurities. Ultrasonics is a new water treatment technology that, compared to t By applying ultrasonic treatment to iron slag before it enters the plate and …

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A Novel Process for Simultaneous Extraction of Iron, Vanadium

Disposal of slags from alloy steelmaking is a serious problem as the toxic metals in the slag such as chromium and vanadium can be leached out. Recovery of the valuable metals needs an effective, economically viable method with a minimum number of unit processes. In the present work, a novel process for simultaneous recovery of iron, …

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New understanding of extraction and separation of vanadium(IV), iron

Research in our laboratory found that after the new process of roasting pretreatment-ammonium sulfate roasting-acid leaching of vanadium titanomagnetite, vanadium and iron were dissolved in the leaching solution, while titanium was enriched to the leaching residue, achieving the selective separation of vanadium, iron and titanium …

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Processing and Reusing Technologies for Steelmaking Slag

3. Steelmaking Slag Processing Technology The iron/steel slag processing flow is schematically shown in Fig. 2. Steelmaking slag is subjected to the following four process-es: ① solidify and cooling of the hot molten slag, ② crushing and magnetic separation treatment of the slag to recover the metal iron,

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Iron extraction from copper slag by additive-free activation …

Iron grain growth during deep reduction roasting is important for iron enrichment from copper slag (CS) through magnetic separation. In this work, a novel method of additive-free activation roasting, including oxidation and subsequent reduction roasting, was …

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Study on Separation of Iron from Waste Slag of Pyrite Processing

The experimental results show that under the treatment condition in this work, about 70% of the iron was recovered from the waste slag, where the iron content in the concentrate is 57%. After further treatment with chlorinated segregation-magnetic separation, the iron content in the recovered slag can reach 83%.

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A new technology for copper slag reduction to get molten iron …

DOI: 10.1016/S1006-706X(15)30018-2 Corpus ID: 137372514; A new technology for copper slag reduction to get molten iron and copper matte @article{Zhang2015ANT, title={A new technology for copper slag reduction to get molten iron and copper matte}, author={Jun Zhang and Yuan-hong Qi and Ding-liu Yan and Haixing Xu}, …

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Approaches for electroplating sludge treatment and disposal technology …

The addition of CaO also helps to reduce the viscosity of slag, thereby reducing metal loss by improving the efficiency of slag metal separation. In addition, co-treatment of multiple solid waste and electroplating sludge to achieve wastes treatment is also a promising way to prepare alloys and extract heavy metals ( Yu et al., 2021a ; …

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How to process steel slag? 3 steps : Pretreatment, Separation …

The remaining slag then undergoes secondary crushing, followed by another round of magnetic separation to sort out larger iron grains. 03. After the secondary crushing, the iron slag is screened.

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The Effect of Pretreatment on Magnetic Separation of …

Studies focusing on the removal of iron-bearing minerals include magnetic/gravimetric separation [24-26], reductive roasting followed by magnetic separation [17,22, 27], froth flotation [28][29 ...

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Enhanced flotation of coal gasification fine slag based on …

A new process of size classification − fine grain ultrasonic pretreatment flotation (SC-FGUF) was proposed and its separation effect was compared with that of whole-grain flotation (WGF) as well as size classification − fine grain flotation (SC-FGF).

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The potential utilization of slag generated from iron- and …

Slag is the by-product of iron- and steelmaking processes. Normally, around half to one tonne of slag would be generated for yielding one tonne of rolled iron or steel (Lobato et al. 2015).It was reported that the world steel production was 1.9 billion tonnes in 2016, which suggested that at least around 1 billion tonnes of slag is produced during …

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The pretreatment of non-ferrous metallurgical waste slag …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The pretreatment of non-ferrous metallurgical waste slag and its research progress in the preparation of glass-ceramics" by Xiaoming Liu et al. ... Machine learning-based study on the mechanical properties and embankment settlement prediction model of nickel–iron slag modified soil. Pingbao Yin …

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The settling behavior of matte particles in copper slag and the new

The densities of copper slag and matte/copper differ greatly, which is the basic condition that allows for the separation of slag and matte/copper. The density of Fe–Si slag is usually approximately (3.2–3.7) × 10 3 g/cm 3. Copper loss in slag can result from either mechanical entrainment and chemical dissolution.

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Iron extraction from copper slag by additive-free activation …

Iron grain growth during deep reduction roasting is important for iron enrichment from copper slag (CS) through magnetic separation. In this work, a novel method of additive-free activation roasting, including oxidation and subsequent reduction roasting, was proposed to increase the iron grain size, then the iron was extracted by magnetic …

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Development of the New Zinc-Separation Process for the …

Development of the New Zinc-Separation Process for the Blast Furnace Dust. Conference paper ... Utilization of by-products such as dust and slag generated in the iron-making process is one of the resource-saving technologies in steel works. ... Maccagni M (2008) From C.Z.O. to zinc cathode without any pretreatment. The Ezinex process. …

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Strengthening iron enrichment and dephosphorization of …

Results show that temperature for slag/metal separation must be higher than 1823 K and a satisfying slag/metal separation of the highly reduced ore fines needs at least 4 min; phosphorus content ...

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Element Distribution and Migration Behavior in the Copper …

The development of new technology, comprehensive utilization of copper slag resources, and extraction of valuable metals, such as iron, and can promote the …

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Research on Separation and Extraction of Valuable …

Smelting Slag Matte Tailings Spent catalyst Mineral phase dissociation and slag phase control Keywords High pressure oxygen leaching · Complex resources · Selective separation and extraction · Comprehensive recycling · Solid waste utilization The contributing editor for this article was Grace Ofori-Sarpong.

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A novel direct reduction-flash smelting separation process of treating

By limiting the smelting separation between slag and iron to the level of about 1 s, the reduction and migration process of P element was restrained, and the content of P element in the metallic iron obtained after separation was limited to about 0.3 wt%. ... A new iron recovery and dephosphorization approach from high‑phosphorus oolitic iron ...

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Carbon mineralization of steel and iron-making slag: Paving …

Carbon mineralization technology has emerged as a promising method for permanently sequestering CO 2 by transforming it into a thermodynamically stable solid carbonate material. Recently, alkaline industrial waste, particularly from steel and iron-making processes, has been identified as a proper feedstock due to its high potential for …

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